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Instructions for speakers
Every lecture hall is equipped with a laptop that can be used for the presentations. This laptop contains Microsoft Office 2007 and Acrobat Reader 9 - either Powerpoint or PDF slides are therefore supported. You can therefore follow either of these options:
- (Preferred): Send your presentation to the address teknikot at dipoli.tkk.fi and the chairman of your session (see the addresses below). In your email, tell your name, the session, lecture hall and the time of your presentation (see program). All presentations received before 11.3. 16:00 will be copied to the lecture hall computers and tested in them.
- Bring your presentation in a USB stick or a CD/DVD. Also in this case, notify your session chairman by email and show up in the lecture hall half an hour before your session.
- As the parallel session talks last only for 15 minutes, it will generally not be possible to use your own laptop in these sessions. On very special occasions, for example if your presentation contains a movie, you may ask your chairman for permission to use your own laptop. In this case, show up in the lecture hall half an hour before your session to set it up. In plenary talks the speakers can use their own laptops.
- Depending on the session, it may be possible to use transparencies. If you wish to do so, please notify physicsdays at ltl.tkk.fi at latest by Monday 9th March.
Please tell your chairman by Tuesday 10th March which way you are going to bring your presentation.
Use these email aliases for your session (add @ltl.tkk.fi after each email address):
- Applied physics, instrumentation and optics 1: physicsdaysapplied1
- Astrophysics, cosmology and space physics: physicsdaysastro
- Nanophysics and new materials 1: physicsdaysnano
- Condensed matter: Structural properties 1: physicsdaysstruct1
- Particle and nuclear physics 1: physicsdaysparticle1
- Physics in industry: physicsdaysindustry
- Condensed matter: Electronic properties 1: physicsdayselectronic1
- Applied physics, instrumentation and optics 2: physicsdaysapplied2
- Nanophysics and quantum matter: physicsdaysquantum
- Particle and nuclear physics 2: physicsdaysparticle2
- Atomic and molecular physics: physicsdaysatomic
- Condensed matter: Electronic properties 2: physicsdayselectronic2
- Condensed matter: Structural properties 2: physicsdaysstruct2
- Nanophysics and new materials 2: physicsdaysnano2
- Biological and medical physics: physicsdaysbio
The poster boards are (width x height) 95 cm x 115 cm. Poster sessions are arranged as indicated here. Each poster board has two codes: one for the Thursday session and one for the Friday session.
Conference services
During the conference, visitors with private laptops may access the Internet using Aalto Open, Dipoli’s free and open wireless network. The network supports VPN and VoIP applications.
Laboratory tours
Guided tours to laboratories on the Otaniemi campus will be organized during the conference:
- The laboratory tour to the Low Temperature Laboratory and to the Nanomicroscopy Center will start on Friday at 16:30. If you are interested, sign your name in the list next to the registration desk and come close to the registration desk at 16:30. The group size is limited to 40 people.
- More information on possible additional laboratory tours will be added later. Follow also the information near the registration desk.