Astrophysics, cosmology and space physics posters
- 17.1 T. Nygrén: Three-dimensional EISCAT observations of F region trough
- 17.2 T. Nygrén: Stochastic inversion in determining electric field and neutral wind from incoherent scatter observations
- 17.3 V. Pohjola: Hybrid Modeling of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mercury and the Lunar Magnetic Anomalies
- 17.4 T. Nygrén: Nordic ionospheric sounding rocket seeding experiment NISSE
- 17.5 O. Taanila: Primordial Perturbations from the Curvaton Mechanism
- 17.6 I. Honkonen: Global comparison of spacecraft observations and a magnetohydrodynamic simulation
- 17.7 A. Sandroos: Injection of heavy ions into shock acceleration
- 17.8 C.R. Anekallu: Clock angle dependence of magnetopause energy transfer