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CoE Publications - O.V. Lounasmaa Laboratory - Aalto University

CoE Publications


CoE Systems Neuroscience and Neuroimaging: Published papers 2006–2011

& Brain Research Unit (BRU): Published papers 2012–



  1. Bonte M, Parviainen T, Hytönen K, Salmelin R: Time course of top-down and bottom-up influences on syllable processing in the auditory cortex. Cereb Cortex 2006, 16: 115–123.
  2. Caetano G, Jousmäki V: Evidence of vibrotactile input to human auditory cortex. Neuroimage 2006, 29: 15–28.
  3. El-Segaier M, Pesonen E, Lukkarinen S, Peters K, Ingemansson J, Sornmo L, Sepponen R: Atrial septal defect: a diagnostic approach. Med Biol Eng Comput 2006, 44: 739–745.
  4. Furey ML, Tanskanen T, Beauchamp M, Avikainen S, Uutela K, Hari R, Haxby JV: Modulation of early and late neural responses to faces and houses by attention. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006, 103: 1065–1070.
  5. Hari R: Action–perception connection and the cortical mu rhythm. Progr Brain Res 2006, 159: 253–260.
  6. Hiltunen J, Hari R, Jousmäki V, Müller K, Sepponen R and Joensuu R: Quantification of mechanical vibration during diffusion tensor imaging at 3 T. Neuroimage 2006, 32: 93–103.
  7. Hlushchuk Y and Hari R: Transient suppression of ipsilateral SI cortex during tactile finger stimulation. J Neurosci 2006, 26: 5819–5824.
  8. Julkunen L, Tenovuo O, Vorobyev V, Hiltunen J, Teräs M, Jääskeläinen SK, Hämäläinen H: Functional brain imaging, clinical and neurophysiological outcome of visual rehabilitation in a chronic stroke patient. Restor Neurol Neurosci 2006, 24: 123–132.
  9. Kauhanen L, Nykopp T, Sams M: Classification of single MEG trials related to left and right index finger movements. Clin Neurophysiol 2006, 117: 430–439.
  10. Kauhanen L, Nykopp T, Lehtonen J, Jylänki P, Heikkonen J, Rantanen P, Alaranta H, Sams M: EEG and MEG brain-computer interface for tetraplegic patients. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 2006, 14: 190–193.
  11. Kirveskari E, Salmelin R and Hari R: Neuromagnetic responses to vowels vs. tones reveal language lateralization. Clin Neurophysiol 2006, 117: 643–648.
  12. Korvenoja A, Kirveskari E, Aronen H, Avikainen S, Brander A, Huttunen J, Ilmoniemi R, Jääskeläinen J, Kovala T, Mäkelä J, Salli E, Seppä M: Sensorimotor cortex localization: Comparison of magnetoencephalography, functional MR imaging, and intraoperative cortical mapping. Radiology 2006, 241: 213-222.
  13. Kylliäinen A, Braeutigam S, Hietanen JK, Swithenby SJ, Bailey AJ: Face- and gaze-sensitive neural responses in children with autism: a magnetoencephalographic study. Eur J Neurosci 2006, 24: 2679–2690.
  14. Kylliäinen A, Braeutigam S, Hietanen JK, Swithenby SJ, Bailey AJ: Face and gaze processing in normally developing children: a magnetoencephalographic study. Eur J Neurosci 2006, 23: 801–810.
  15. Lauronen L, Nevalainen P, Wikström H, Parkkonen L, Okada Y, Pihko E: Immaturity of somatosensory cortical processing in human newborns. Neuroimage 2006, 33: 195–203.
  16. Lemm S, Curio G, Hlushchuk Y, Müller KR: Enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio of ICA-based extracted ERPs. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2006, 53: 601–607.
  17. Leppä M, Korvenoja A, Carlson S, Aronpää P, Martinkauppi S, Ahonen J, Rosenberg PH, Aronen HA, Kalso E: Acute opioid effects on human brain as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroimage 2006, 31: 661–669.
  18. Longcamp M, Tanskanen T, Hari R: The imprint of action: Motor-cortex involvement in visual perception of handwritten letters. Neuroimage 2006, 33: 681–688.
  19. Malinen S, Schürmann M, Hlushchuk Y, Forss N and Hari R: Improved differentiation of tactile activations in human thalamus and second somatosensory cortex using cardiac-triggered fMRI. Exp Brain Res 2006, 174: 297–303.
  20. Mäkelä J, Forss N, Jääskeläinen J, Kirveskari E, Korvenoja A and Paetau R. Magnetoencephalography in neurosurgery. Neurosurgery 2006, 59: 493–510.
  21. Näsänen R, Ojanpää H, Tanskanen T, Päällysaho J: Estimation of temporal resolution of object identification in human vision. Exp Brain Res 2006, 172: 464-471.
  22. Parviainen T, Helenius P, Poskiparta E, Niemi P, Salmelin R: Cortical sequence of word perception in beginning readers. J Neurosci 2006, 26: 6052–6061.
  23. Pollari M, Neuvonen T, Lotjonen J: Affine registration of diffusion tensor MR images. MICCAI 2006. Lecture notes in computer science, 2006: 4191: 629–636.
  24. Renvall V, Joensuu R and Hari R: Functional phantom for fMRI, a feasibility study. Magn Reson Imag 2006, 24: 315–320.
  25. Saarinen T, Laaksonen H, Parviainen T, Salmelin R: Motor cortex dynamics in visuomotor production of speech and non-speech mouth movements. Cereb Cortex 2006, 16: 212–222.
  26. Salmelin R, Kujala J: Neural representation of language: activation vs. long-range connectivity. Trends Cogn Sci 2006, 10: 519–525.
  27. Schürmann M, Caetano G, Hlushchuk Y, Jousmäki V and Hari R: Touch activates human auditory cortex. Neuroimage 2006, 30: 1325–1331.
  28. Sivonen P, Maess B, Friederici AD: Semantic retrieval of spoken words with an obliterated initial phoneme in a sentence context. Neurosci Lett 2006, 408: 220–225.
  29. Sivonen P, Maess B, Lattner S, Friederici AD: Phonemic restoration in a sentence context: evidence from early and late ERP effects. Brain Res 2006, 1121: 177–189.
  30. Sorrentino A, Parkkonen L, Piana M, Massone AM, Narici L, Carozzo S, Riani M, Sannita WG: Modulation of brain and behavioural responses to cognitive visual stimuli with varying signal-to-noise ratios. Clin Neurophysiol 2006 117:1098–1105.
  31. Vanni S, Henriksson L, Viikari M, James A: Retinotopic distribution of chromatic responses in human primary visual cortex. Eur J Neurosci 2006, 24: 1821–1831.
  32. Vihla M, Laine M, Salmelin R: Cortical dynamics of visual/semantic vs. phonological analysis in picture confrontation. Neuroimage 2006, 33: 732–738.
  33. Ylioja S, Carlson S, Raij T, Pertovaara A: Localization of touch versus heat pain in the human hand: a dissociative effect of temporal parameters on discriminative capacity and decision strategy. Pain 2006, 121: 6–13.
  34. Ylipaavalniemi J, Mattila S, Tarkiainen A, Vigario P: Brains and phantoms: An ICA study of fMRI. Independent component analysis and blind signal separtation, Lect Notes Comp Sci 2006, 3889: 503–510.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS (textbook articles, Finnish language, etc)

  1. Carlson S: Avaruudellinen hahmottaminen. Kirjassa Mieli ja Aivot. Kognitiivisen neurotieteen oppikirja (toim H Hämäläinen, M Laine, O Aaltonen ja A Revonsuo). Gummerus 2006, Luku 3.7, ss 189–193.
  2. Carlson S: Työmuisti. Kirjassa Mieli ja Aivot. Kognitiivisen neurotieteen oppikirja (toim H Hämäläinen, M Laine, O Aaltonen ja A Revonsuo). Gummerus 2006, Luku 4.3, ss 212–217.
  3. Carlson S: Neurofysiologian suurten kysymysten äärellä. Suomen Fysiologiyhdistyksen Jäsentiedote, 2006, 2: 1-2.
  4. Hari R: Ovatko ajatukset aivoissamme? Tieteessä tapahtuu 2006, 3: 28–30.
  5. Hari R: Ubuntun jäjillä. Tiedekolumni. Suomen lääkärilehti 2006, 33, s 3229.
  6. Hari R: Sosiaalisen vuorovaikutuksen aivoperustasta. Kirjassa Mieli ja Aivot. Kognitiivisen neurotieteen oppikirja (toim H Hämäläinen, M Laine, O Aaltonen ja A Revonsuo). Gummerus 2006, Luku 8.2, ss 399–405.
  7. Hari R: Magnetoenkefalografia. Kirjassa Mieli ja Aivot. Kognitiivisen neurotieteen oppikirja (toim H Hämäläinen, M Laine, O Aaltonen ja A Revonsuo). Gummerus 2006, Luku 2.10, ss 111–117.
  8. Hari R: MEG:n kliiniset sovellukset. Kirjassa Kliininen neurofysiologia (toim J Partanen, B Falck, J Hasan, V Jäntti, T Salmi ja U Tolonen). Duodecim 2006, Luku 32, ss 378–381.
  9. Hari R: MEG aivotutkimusvälineenä. Kirjassa Kliininen neurofysiologia (toim J Partanen, B Falck, J Hasan, V Jäntti, T Salmi ja U Tolonen). Duodecim 2006, Luku 31, ss 369–377.
  10. Hari R: MEG:n perusteet ja rekisteröinti. Kirjassa Kliininen neurofysiologia (toim J Partanen, B Falck, J Hasan, V Jäntti, T Salmi ja U Tolonen). Duodecim 2006, Luku 30, ss 364–368.
  11. Hari R: Virtalähteen paikannus hermokudoksessa. Kirjassa Kliininen neurofysiologia (toim J Partanen, B Falck, J Hasan, V Jäntti, T Salmi ja U Tolonen). Duodecim 2006, Luku 3, ss 35–48.
  12. Hari R: Hermoston biosähköiset ja biomagneettiset perusilmiöt. Kirjassa Kliininen neurofysiologia (toim J Partanen, B Falck, J Hasan, V Jäntti, T Salmi ja U Tolonen). Duodecim 2006, Luku 2, ss 26–34.
  13. Pollari M, Neuvonen T, Lötjönen J: Affine registration of diffusion tensor MR images. In: R Larsen, M Nielsen, and Sporring (Eds): MICCAI 2006, LNCS 4191, pp. 629–636. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
  14. Pääkkönen A, Könönen M, Eskola H, Jousmäki V and Huttunen J: Herätevasteet ja funktionaalinen kuvantaminen. Kirjassa Kliininen neurofysiologia (toim J Partanen, B Falck, J Hasan, V Jäntti, T Salmi ja U Tolonen). Duodecim 2006, Luku 29, ss 348–362.
  15. Raij TT: Kipu - todellista vai kuviteltua? Pääkirjoitus. Duodecim 2006, 122: 751-752.
  16. Vanni S: Näköjärjestelmä ja visuaalinen havaintomaailma. Kirjassa Mieli ja Aivot. Kognitiivisen neurotieteen oppikirja (toim H Hämäläinen, M Laine, O Aaltonen ja A Revonsuo). Gummerus 2006, Luku 3.2, ss 146–156.
  17. Vanni S, Henriksson L, Pihlaja M, James A. Multifocal fMRI stimulus generation toolbox for Matlab 7.3; https://neuro.hut.fi/~vanni/data/Multifocal.zip Published as SPM toolbox at http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/ext/#multifocal



  1. Artchakov D, Tikhonravov D, Vuontela V, Linnankoski I, Korvenoja A, Carlson S: Processing of auditory and visual location information in the monkey prefrontal cortex. Exp Brain Res 2007, 180: 469–479.
  2. Auranen T, Nummenmaa A, Hämäläinen MS, Jääskeläinen IP, Lampinen J, Vehtari A, and Sams M: Bayesian inverse analysis of neuromagnetic data using cortically constrained multiple dipoles. Human Brain Mapping 2007, 28: 979-994.
  3. Caetano G, Jousmäki V and Hari R: Actor’s and viewer’s primary motor cortices stabilize similarly after seen or heard motor actions. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 2007, 104: 9058–9062. [Commentary by Kilner JM and Frith CD: A possible role for primary motor cortex during action observation. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 2007, 104: 8683–8684.]
  4. Campbell T, Neuvonen T: Adaptation of neuromagnetic N1 without shifts in dipolar orientation. Neuroreport 2007, 18: 377–380.
  5. Heiskala J, Neuvonen T, Grant P E, Nissilä I: Significance of tissue anisotropy in optical tomography of the infant brain. Appl Optics 2007, 46: 1633-1640.
  6. Henriksson L, Raninen A, Näsänen R, Hyvärinen L, Vanni S: Training-induced cortical representation of a hemianopic hemifield. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2007, 78: 74–81.
  7. Huang MX, Song T, Hagler DJ Jr, Podgorny I, Jousmaki V, Cui L, Gaa K, Harrington DL, Dale AM, Lee RR, Elman J, Halgren E: A novel integrated MEG and EEG analysis method for dipolar sources. NeuroImage 2007, 37: 731–748.
  8. Jousmäki V, Nishitani N and Hari R: Brush stimulator for functional brain imaging. Clin Neurophysiol 2007, 118: 2620–2624.
  9. Kujala J, Pammer K, Cornelissen P, Roebroeck A, Formisano E, Salmelin R: Phase coupling in a cerebro-cerebellar network at 8–13 Hz during reading. Cereb Cortex 2007, 17: 1476-1485.
  10. Malinen S, Hlushchuk Y and Hari R: Towards natural stimulation in fMRI——issues of data analysis. Neuroimage 2007, 25: 131–139.
  11. Mattila S, Renvall V, Hiltunen J, Kirven D, Sepponen R, Hari R and Tarkiainen A: Phantom-based evaluation of geometric distortions in functional magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor imaging. Magn Reson Med 2007, 57: 754–763.
  12. Nummenmaa A, Auranen T, Hämäläinen MS, Jääskeläinen IP, Lampinen J, Sams M and Vehtari A: Hierarchical Bayesian estimates of distributed MEG sources: theoretical aspects and comparison of variational and MCMC methods. NeuroImage 2007, 35: 669-685.
  13. Nummenmaa A, Auranen T, Hämäläinen MS, Jääskeläinen IP, Sams M, Vehtari A, Lampinen J: Automatic relevance determination based hierarchical Bayesian MEG inversion in practice. Neuroimage 2007, 37: 876–889.
  14. Pernet C, Uusvuori J, Salmelin R: Parafoveal-on-foveal and foveal word priming are different processes: Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence. NeuroImage 2007, 38: 321–330.
  15. Raninen A, Vanni S, Hyvärinen L, Näsänen R: Temporal sensitivity in hemianopic visual field can be improved by long-term training using flicker stimulation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2007, 78: 66–73.
  16. Saarela MV, Hlushchuk Y, de C Williams AC, Schürmann M, Kalso E and Hari R: The compassionate brain: Humans detect intensity of pain from another’s face. Cereb Cortex 2007, 17: 230–237.
  17. Salmelin R: Clinical neurophysiology of language: the MEG approach. Clin Neurophysiol 2007, 118: 237–254.
  18. Schonwiesner M, Novitski N, Pakarinen S, Carlson S, Tervaniemi M, Näätänen R: Heschl's gyrus, posterior superior temporal gyrus, and mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex have different roles in the detection of acoustic changes. J Neurophysiol 2007, 97: 2075–2082.
  19. Schürmann M, Järveläinen J, Avikainen S, Cannon TD, Lönnqvist J, Huttunen M and Hari R: Manifest disease and motor-cortex reactivity in twins dicordant for schizophrenia. Br J Psychiatry 2007, 191: 178–179.
  20. Seppä M: High-quality two-stage resampling for 3-D volumes in medical imaging. Medical Image Analysis 2007, 11: 346-360.
  21. Service E, Helenius P, Maury S and Salmelin R: Localization of syntactic and semantic brain responses using magnetoencephalography. J Cogn Neurosci 2007, 19: 1193-1205.
  22. Stenbacka L and Vanni S: Central luminance flicker can activate peripheral retinotopic representation. Neuroimage 2007, 34: 342–348.
  23. Stenbacka L, Vanni S: FMRI of peripheral visual field representation. Clin Neurophysiol 2007, 17:1476–1485
  24. Tanskanen T, Näsänen R, Ojanpää H and Hari R: Face recognition and cortical responses: Effect of display duration. Neuroimage 2007, 35: 1636–1644.
  25. Tuoriniemi J, Juntunen-Nurmilaukas K, Uusvuori J, Pentti E, Salmela A and Sebedash A: Superconductivity in lithium below 0.4 millikelvin at ambient pressure. Nature 2007, 447: 187–189.
  26. Wang JH, Liu XF, Chen YM, Sun HY, Fu Y, Ma MX, He J, Wang HY, Wilson FA, Carlson S and Ma YY. Heroin impairs map-picture-following and memory tasks dependent on gender and orientation of the tasks. Behav Neurosci 2007, 121: 653-664.
  27. Wang JH, Zhang B, Meng ZQ, Sun NL, Ma MX, Zhang HX, Tang X, Sanford LD, Wilson FA, HU XT, Carlson S and Ma YY. Learning large-scale spatial relationships in a maze and effects of MK-801 on retrieval in the rhesus monkey. Dev Neurobiol 2007, 67: 1731-1741.
  28. Yao B, Salenius S, Yue GH, Brown RW and Liu JZ: Effects of surface EMG rectification on power and coherence analyses: An EEG and MEG study. J Neurosci Meth 2007, 159: 215–223.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS (textbook articles, Finnish language, etc)

  1. Hari R: How to image human brain. In Peltomaa M (Ed) Music Meets Medicine. Acta Gyllenbergiana VI, The Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation, Helsinki, 2007, pp 49–61.
  2. Hari R: Ihmisaivojen peilautumismisjärjestelmät. Katsausartikkeli. Duodecim 2007, 123: 1565–1573.
  3. Hari R: Human mirroring systems. On assessing mind by reading brain and body during social interaction. In Braten S (Ed): “On Being Moved: From Mirror Neurons to Empathy”. Advances in Consciousness Research 68, Chpt 5. John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007, pp 89–99.
  4. Hiltunen J, Seppä M ja Hari R: Diffuusiotensorikuvaus hermoratojen tutkimuksessa. Katsausartikkeli, Duodecim 2007, 123: 1931–1858.
  5. Saarela MV: Haukotus tarttuu tuttujen kesken. Aamulehti 13.4.2007, p B25.
  6. Salmelin R: Miten aikuisen aivot oppivat uusia sanoja? Duodecim 2007, 123: 2901-2906.
  7. Seppä M: On continuous sampling and sub-sample accuracy in mutual-information registration. TKK Report 2007, TKK-KYL-017.



  1. Braeutigam S, Swithenby SJ and Bailey AJ: Contextual integration the unusual way: a magnetoencephalographic study of responses to semantic violation in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Eur J Neurosci 2008, 27: 1026–1036.
  2. Brattico E, Pallesen KJ, Varyagina O, Bailey C, Anourova I, Järvenpää M, Eerola T and Tervaniemi M: Neural discrimination of nonprototypical chords in music experts and laymen: An MEG study. J Cogn Neurosci. Posted online on 14 Oct 2008.
  3. De Tiège X, Op de Beeck M, Funke M, Legros B, Parkkonen L, Goldman S and Van Bogaert P: Recording epileptic activity with MEG in a light-weight magnetic shield. Epilepsy Res 2008, 82: 227–231.
  4. Hannula H, Neuvonen T, Savolainen P, Tukiainen T, Salonen O, Carlson S and Pertovaara A: Navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation of the primary somatosensory cortex impairs perceptual processing of tactile temporal discrimination. Neurosci Lett 2008, 437: 144–147.
  5. Henriksson L, Nurminen L, Hyvärinen A and Vanni S: Spatial frequency tuning in human retinotopic visual areas. J Vision, 2008, 8: 1–13.
  6. Kaurijoki S, Kuikka JT, Niskanen E, Carlson S, Pietiläinen KH, Pesonen U, Kaprio JM, Rissanen A, Tiihonen J and Karhunen L: Association of serotonin transporter promoter regulatory region polymorphism and cerebral activity to visual presentation of food. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging 2008, 28: 270–276.
  7. Kortelainen J, Koskinen M, Mustola S and Seppänen T: EEG spectral changes and onset of burst suppression pattern in propofol/Remifentanil anesthesia. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2008; pp 4980–4983.
  8. Kortelainen J, Koskinen M, Mustola S and Seppänen T: Remifentanil modifies the relation of electroencephalographic spectral changes and clinical end points in propofol anesthesia. Anesthesiol 2008, 109: 198–205.
  9. Kortelainen J, Koskinen M, Mustola S and Seppänen T: Time-frequency properties of electroencephalogram during induction of anesthesia. Neurosci Lett 2008, 446: 70–74.
  10. Koskinen M and Vartiainen N: Removal of ballistocardiogram artifact from EEG data acquired in the MRI scanner: selection of ICA components. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2008; pp 5220–5223.
  11. Kujala J, Gross J, and Salmelin R: Localization of correlated network activity at the cortical level with MEG. Neuroimage 2008, 39: 1706–1720.
  12. Laaksonen H, Kujala J, and Salmelin R: A method for spatiotemporal mapping of event-related modulation of cortical rhythmic activity. Neuroimage 2008, 42: 207–217.
  13. Liljeström M, Tarkiainen A, Parviainen T, Kujala J, Numminen J, Hiltunen J, Laine M and Salmelin R: Perceiving and naming actions and objects. Neuroimage 2008, 41: 1132–1141.
  14. Lioumis P, Kičić D, Savolainen P, Mäkelä JP, Kähkönen S: Reproducibility of TMS-evoked EEG responses. Hum Brain Mapp 2008 Jun 6. Epub ahead of print.
  15. Pallesen KJ, Brattico E, Bailey CJ, Korvenoja A and Gjedde A: Cognitive and emotional modulation of brain default operation. J Cogn Neurosci. Posted online on 27 Aug 2008.
  16. Parkkonen L, Andersson J, Hämäläinen M and Hari R: Early visual brain areas reflect the percept of an ambiguous scene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008, 105: 20500–20504.
  17. Paukkunen A and Sepponen R: The effect of the ground electrode on the sensitivity, symmetricity and technical feasibility of scalp EEG recordings. Med Biol Engin & Comput 2008, 46: 933–938.
  18. Pihlaja M, Henriksson L, James AC and Vanni S: Quantitative multifocal fMRI shows active suppression in human V1. Hum Brain Mapp 2008, 29: 1001–1014.
  19. Saarela MV and Hari R: Listening humans walking together activates the human social brain circuitry. Social Neurosci 2008, 3: 401-409.
  20. Seppä M: Continuous sampling in mutual-information registration. IEEE Trans Image Proc 2008, 17: 823–826.
  21. Tanskanen T, Saarinen J, Parkkonen L, Hari R: From local to global: cortical dynamics of contour integration. J Vision, 8: Article 15.
  22. Tikhonravov D, Neuvonen T, Pertovaara A, Savioja K, Ruusuvirta T, Näätänen R and Carlson S: Effects of an NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 on an MMN-like response recorded in anesthetized rats. Brain Res 2008, 1203: 97–102.
  23. Uusvuori J, Parviainen T, Inkinen M and Salmelin R: Spatiotemporal interaction between sound form and meaning during spoken word perception. Cereb Cortex 2008, 18: 456–466.
  24. Vartiainen NV, Kirveskari E, Forss, N: Central processing of tactile and nociceptive stimuli in complex regional pain syndrome. Clin Neurophysiol 2008, 119: 2380–2388.
  25. Ylipaavalniemi J and Vigário R: Analyzing consistency of independent components: An fMRI illustration. Neuroimage 2008, 39: 169–180.
  26. Zhang B, Tan H, Sun NL, Wang JH, Meng ZQ, Li CY, Fraser WA, Hu XT, Carlson S and Ma YY: Maze model to study spatial learning and memory in freely moving monkeys. J Neurosci Meth 2008, 170: 111–116.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS (textbook articles, Finnish language, etc)

  1. Carlson S: Monitieteellinen aivotutkimus. Tieteessä tapahtuu 2008, 26: 1-2 Pääkirjoitus.
  2. Castrén E, Hari R, Järvinen j, Lehtonen J, Lonka K, Niemivirta M, Peräkylä A, Pyysiäinen I, Salenius S, Sams M and Ylikoski P: Lapsia ei saa unohtaa. Kirje, Suomen Kuvalehti 3/2008, s. 59.
  3. Hari R and Parkkonen L: MEG in the study of higher cortical functions. In: Ikeda A and Inoue Y (Eds) Event-Related Potentials in Patients with Epilepsy: From Current State to Future Prospects. Progress in Epileptic Disorders, Vol 5. Éditions John Libbey Eurorotext, Montrouge, France, 2008, pp 103–112.
  4. Kujala MV: Tunne kanssani. Yliopisto 2008, 12: 28–29.
  5. Salmelin R: Aivot ja kielen ymmärtäminen. Tieteessä tapahtuu 2008, 1: 6–9.
  6. Vanni S: Aivojen tietojenkäsittelyn kuvantaminen. Kirjassa Juntrunen J (toim): Aivot ja ajattelu - Kliininen Kognitiivinen neurotiede. Recallmed, Nurmijärvi, 2008.



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OTHER PUBLICATIONS (textbook articles, Finnish language, etc)

  1. Hari R: Muuttuuko mieli, muovautuvatko aivot? Kirjassa Kaikki evoluutiosta (toim. I Hanski, I Niiniluoto & I Hetemäki), Gaudeamus 2009, ss 227–237.
  2. Hari R: Aivojen vuosikymmeneltä mielen vuosituhannelle. Suomen Lääkärilehti 2009, 64 (26) 2400–2404.
  3. Karp E, Parkkonen L & Vigário R: Denoising Single Trial Event Related Magnetoencephalographic Recordings. In: Adali T, editor. Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. 2009, 427-434.
  4. Kortelainen J, Koskinen M, Mustola S, Seppänen T: Remifentaniili vaikuttaa aivosähkökäyrän muutoksiin propofoli-induktion aikana. Duodecim 125: 1750.
  5. Raij TT, Valkonen-Korhonen M, Holi M, Therman S, Lehtonen J, Hari R: Harhaa vai todellisuutta? Duodecim 2009, 125: 1751.



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  1. Docent Veikko Jousmäki, Docent of medical physics, especially functional imaging methods, University of Kuopio 2006
  2. Docent Simo Vanni, Docent of Neurophysiology, University of Helsinki, Medical Faculty
  3. PhD Nikolai Novitski: Pitch discrimination in optimal and suboptimal acoustic environments: electroencephalographic, magnetoencephalographic, and behavioral evidence. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Department of Psychology, Cognitive Brain Research Unit and Neuroscience Unit, Institute of Biomedicine/Physiology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki Brain Research Center. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Synnöve Carlson.
  4. MScTech Ricardo Gutierrez: Variability of single-trial cortical somatosensory responses in magnetoencephalographic recordings. Final work. BRU, TKK. Supervisor Riitta Hari.
  5. Taru Suortti: Optimizing the settings of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for visualization of peripheral nerves with tractography. Special assignment. Supervisors Jaana Hiltunen and Riitta Hari.
  6. Taru Suortti: q-space MRI. Special assignment. Supervisor Jaana HIltunen.
  7. Liisa Helle: Simultaneous measurement of two interacting subjects: MEG/EEG study. Special assignment. Supervisor Lauri Parkkonen


  1. MD PhD Yevhen HLUSHCHUK: Tactile processing in human somatosensory and auditory cortices. University of Helsinki, Department of Radiology & Brain Research Unit, TKK. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Hari.
  2. DrTech Mika SEPPÄ: Quality improvements for multi-modal neuroimaging. Systems Analysis Laboratory and Brain Research Unit, TKK. PhD Thesis. Supervisors Riitta Hari and Matti Hämäläinen.
  3. PhD Tiina PARVIAINEN: Cortical correlates of language perception: neuromagnetic studies in adults and children. University of Jyväskylä, Department of Psychology & Brain Research Unit, TKK. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Salmelin.
  4. DrTech Gina CAETANO: Brain menchanisms of auditactile and audiomotor interactions. TKK, PhD Thesis. Supervisors Veikko Jousmäki and Riitta Hari.
  5. MScTech Henri AUTTI: Voxel-based morphometry (VBM): sensitivity evaluation and application to a study of pain patients. Diploma thesis, BRU & AMI, TKK. Dept Electrical and Communication Engineering. Supervisor Jaana Hiltunen.
  6. Specialist of Clinical Neurophysiology (erikoislääkäri) MD PhD Erika KIRVESKARI, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Central Hospital.
  7. Docent Päivi HELENIUS, Docent of cognitive neuroscience, Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki.


  1. PhD Virve VUONTELA: "Developmental, functional brain imaging and electrophysiological evidence of visual and auditory working memory". University of Helsinki. PhD thesis. Supervisors Synnöve Carlson and Eeva Aronen.
  2. DrTech Jan KUJALA: "Study of cortical rhythmic activity and connectivity with magnetoencephalography". TKK, PhD Thesis. Supervisors Riitta Salmelin.
  3. PhD Topi TANSKANEN: "Dynamics of contour, object and face processing in the human visual cortex". University of Helsinki, PhD Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Hari.
  4. PhD Karen Johanne PALLESEN: "Processing of musical chords in the human brain studied with fMRI". University of Aarhus. PhD thesis. Supervisors S. Carlson and A. Gjedde.
  5. BScPsych Leena KARVONEN, University of Helsinki. Supervisor Riitta Salmelin.
  6. BScTech Antti TANNER, TKK. Supervisor Riitta Salmelin.
  7. MScTech Petri SAVOLAINEN, TKK. Supervisors Synnöve Carlson and Tuomas Neuvonen.
  8. MScBiol Kati SAVIOJA, University of Oulu. Supervisor Synnöve Carlson.


  1. MScTech Pavan RAMKUMAR, TKK. Supervisors Lauri Parkkonen and Riitta Hari.
  2. DrTech Lauri PARKKONEN: "Expanding the applicability of magnetoencephalography". TKK. Supervisor Riitta Hari.
  3. MD PhD Nuutti VARTIAINEN: "Brain imaging of chronic pain". Department of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Helsinki. Supervisors Nina Forss and Riitta Hari.
  4. MSc Anne MANDEL: "Probing the neural basis of the auditory octave illusion with frequency-tagged magnetoencephalographic signals" University of Helsinki. Master's Thesis. Supervisors Riitta Hari and Satu Lamminmäki.
  5. MScTech Antti JALAVA: "Detection of task-related neural networks with dynamic imaging of coherent sources" TKK. Supervisor Riitta Salmelin.


  1. DrTech Linda HENRIKSSON: "Imaging studies on the functional organization and plasticity of human visual cortex". Aalto University School of Science and Technology. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Simo Vanni.
  2. MScTech Juha KARVONEN: "Mapping the retinotopy of object recognition areas with functional magnetic resonance imaging" Aalto University School of Science and Technology. Diploma Thesis. Supervisors Simo Vanni and Linda Henriksson.
  3. PhD Miiamaaria KUJALA: "Social perception and cognition: processing of gestures, postures and facial expressions in the human brain". University of Helsinki. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Hari.
  4. Docent Erika KIRVESKARI: Docent of Experimental Neurophysiology, Medical Faculty, University of Helsinki.
  5. DrTech Mia LILJESTRÖM: "Imaging Language Function with MEG and fMRI". Aalto University School of Science and Technology. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Salmelin.
  6. DrTech Sanna MALINEN: "Data-analysis perspectives on naturalistic stimulation in functional magnetic resonance imaging". Aalto University School of Science and Technology. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Hari.
  7. MScTech Hanna RENVALL: "Spatial extent of brain activation in fMRI studies: Theoretical considerations." Aalto University School of Science and Technology. Diploma Thesis. Supervisors Riitta Hari and Lauri Parkkonen.
  8. DrTech Ville RENVALL: "Studying functional magnetic resonance imaging with artificial imaging objects". Aalto University School of Science and Technology. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Hari.
  9. MD PhD Linda STENBACKA: "Functional imaging of peripheral vision and dorsal stream function in the human cerebral cortex". University of Helsinki. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Simo Vanni.
  10. DrTech Johanna VARTIAINEN: "Multimodal Imaging of Language Perception". Aalto University School of Science and Technology. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Salmelin.
  11. MScPsych Elli VUOKKO: "Lukumäärien havaitsemiseen liittyvä aivotoiminta". University of Helsinki. Master's Thesis. Supervisor Päivi Helenius.


  1. PhD Annika HULTÉN: "Neural Correlates of Language Learning in Adults". Åbo Akademi University. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Salmelin and Matti Laine.
  2. Docent Erika KIRVESKARI: Docent of Clinical Neurophysiology, Medical Faculty, University of Helsinki.
  3. MA Tiina LIIRI: "Tavoiteperustainen aivoaktivaation säätely kasvoihin ja maisemiin valikoivasti reagoivilla alueilla työmuistitehtävän aikana". Helsingin yliopisto. Käyttäytymistieteiden laitos. Supervisors Synnöve Carlson and Teija Kujala (Univ Helsinki).
  4. MSc Siina PAMILO: "Spatio-temporal segregation of brain circuitries activated during movie viewing." Aalto University School of Science. Supervisors Sanna Malinen and Riitta Hari.
  5. Docent Juha SILVANTO: Docent of Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Helsinki
  6. MSc Anne VIRTANEN: "Taidekuvat asiantuntijan ja maallikon silmin. Kokeellista estetiikan tutkimusta ja tulosten tarkastelua filosofisen estetiikan valossa." Helsingin yliopisto. Filosofian, historian, kultuurin ja taiteiden laitos. Estetiikka. Supervisors Arto Haapala (Univ Helsinki), Elina Pihko and Riitta Hari.
  7. BM Eero SMEDS: "Luonnollista kosketusta ja käsien liikettä sisältävien videoärsykkeiden vaikutus kosketusvasteisiin tuntoaivokuorella." University of Helsinki. Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Hari.


  1. DrTech Pavan Ramkumar: "Advances in modeling and characterization of human neuromagnetic oscillations". Aalto University. DrTech Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Hari and Aapo Hyvärinen.
  2. DrTech Hannu Laaksonen: "Cortical rhythms as markers of neural processing". Aalto University. DrTech Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Salmelin.
  3. BScTech Aleksi Ikkala: "Toiminnalliset yhteydet eri aivoalueiden välillä - eri menetelmien tarkastelu". Aalto University. BScTech Thesis. Supervisor Mia Liljeström and Claire Stevenson.
  4. DrMedSci Kristina Laaksonen: "Brain plasticity and stroke recovery". Aalto University and University of Helsinki (neurology). MD PhD Thesis. Supervisor Nina Forss.
  5. DrMedSci Satu Lamminmäki: "Auditory cortical processing: Binaural interaction in healthy and ROBO1-deficient subjects". Aalto University and University of Helsinki (otorhinolaryngology). MD PhD Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Hari.


  1. DrPhil Jaana Hiltunen: ”Novel diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) approaches at 3 T”. Aalto University. PhD Thesis. Supervisor Riitta Hari.



  1. Annual report of AMI Centre 2006
  2. Annual report of AMI Centre 2007
  3. Annual report of AMI Centre 2008
  4. Annual report of AMI Centre 2009
  5. Annual report of AMI Centre 2010
  6. Annual report of AMI Centre 2011



  1. Degerman A, Rinne T, Salmi J, Salonen O, and Alho K: Selective attention to sound location or pitch studied with fMRI. Brain Research 2006, 1077: 123–134.
  2. Pekkola J, Laasonen M, Ojanen V, Autti T, Jääskeläinen IP, Kujala T, Sams M: Perception of matching and conflicting audiovisual speech in dyslexic and fluent readers: an fMRI study at 3 Tesla. NeuroImage 2006, 29: 797–807.
  3. Pekkola J, Ojanen V, Autti T, Jääskeläinen IP, Möttönen R, Sams M: Attention to visual speech gestures enhances hemodynamic activity in the left planum temporale. Human Brain Mapping 2006, 27: 471–477.


  1. Degerman A, Rinne T, Pekkola J, Autti T, Jääskeläinen IP, Sams M, and Alho K: Human brain activity associated with audiovisual perception and attention. NeuroImage 2007, 34: 1683-1691
  2. Nummenmaa A, Auranen T, Hämäläinen MS, Jääskeläinen IP, Lampinen J, Sams M, and Vehtari A: Hierarchical Bayesian estimates of distributed MEG sources: theoretical aspects and comparison of variational and MCMC methods. NeuroImage 2007, 35: 669–685.
  3. Rinne T, Kirjavainen S, Salonen O, Degerman A, Kang X, Woods DL, and Alho K: Distributed cortical networks for focused auditory attention and distraction. Neurosci Lett 2007, 416: 247–251.
  4. Salmi J, Rinne T, Degerman A, Salonen O, Alho K: Orienting and maintenance of spatial attention in audition and vision: multimodal and modality-specific brain activations. Brain Struct Funct 2007, 212: 181–194.


  1. Davis C, Kislyuk D, Kim J, Sams M:The effect of viewing speech on auditory speech processing is different in the left and right hemispheres. Brain Res 2008, 1242: 151-161
  2. Jääskeläinen IP, Koskentalo K, Balk MH, Autti T, Kauramäki J, Pomren C, and Sams M: Inter-subject synchronization of prefrontal cortex hemodynamic activity during natural viewing. The Open Neuroimaging Journal 2008, 2: 14–19.
  3. Rinne T, Balk MH, Koistinen S, Autti T, Alho K, Sams M: Auditory selective attention modulates activation of human inferior colliculus. J Neurophysiol 2008, 100: 3323–3327, doi:10.1152/jn.90607.2008


  1. Relander K, Rämä P: Separate neural processes for retrieval of voice identity and word content in working memory. Brain Research 2009, 1252: 143–151.
  2. Rinne T, Koistinen S, Salonen O, Alho K: Task-dependent activations of human auditory cortex during pitch discrimination and pitch memory tasks. Journal of Neuroscience 2009, 29: 13338-13343.
  3. Salmi J, Rinne T, Koistinen S, Salonen O, Alho K: Brain networks of bottom-up triggered and top-down controlled shifting of auditory attention. Brain Research 2009, 1286: 155-164


  1. Balk MH, Ojanen V, Pekkola J, Autti T, Sams M, Jääskeläinen IP: Synchrony of audio-visual speech stimuli modulates left superior temporal sulcus. Neuroreport 2010, 21: 822–826.
  2. Kauppi J-P, Jääskeläinen IP, Sams M, and Tohka J: Inter-subject synchronization of brain hemodynamic responses during watching a movie: Localization in space, time, and frequency. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 2010, DOI: 10.3389/finf.2010.00005.
  3. Rinne T: Activations of human auditory cortex during visual and auditory selective attention tasks with varying difficulty. The Open Neuroimaging Journal 2010, 4: 187-193.
  4. Viinikainen M, Jääskeläinen IP, Alexandrov Y, Balk MH, Autti T, and Sams M: Nonlinear relationship between emotional valence and brain activity: Evidence of separate negative and positive valence dimensions. Human Brain Mapping 2010, 31: 1030–1040.


  1. Viinikainen M, Kätsyri J, and Sams M: Representation of perceived sound valence in the human brain. Human Brain Mapping 2011 Aug 8. doi: 10.1002/hbm.21362.


  1. Harinen K, Aaltonen O, Salo E, Salonen O, Rinne T: Task-dependent activations of human auditory cortex to prototypical and nonprototypical vowels. Hum Brain Mapp. 2012 Jan 30. doi: 10.1002/hbm.21506.
  2. Rinne T, Koistinen S, Talja S, Wikman P, Salonen O: Task-dependent activations of human auditory cortex during spatial discrimination and spatial memory tasks. NeuroImage 59 (2012) 4126–4131.

PhD Theses

  1. Pekkola J: Seeing and hearing speech, sounds, and signs: functional magnetic resonance imaging studies on fluent and dyslexic readers. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine,University of Helsinki, 2006. (Thesis made at the Laboratory of Computational Engineering, TKK; Supervisors: Prof. Iiro Jääskeläinen, Laboratory of Computational Engineering and Doc. Taina Autti, Helsinki Medical Imaging Center).
  2. Auranen T: Computational methods for Bayesian estimation of neuromagnetic sources. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science in Technology, Helsinki University of Technology, 2007. (Thesis made at the Laboratory of Computational Engineering, TKK; Supervisor: Professor Mikko Sams, LCE).
  3. Nummenmaa A: Hierarchical Bayesian aspects of distributed neuromagnetic source models. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science in Technology, Helsinki University of Technology, 2008. (Thesis made at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science, TKK; Supervisor: Professor Mikko Sams).
  4. Degerman A: Human brain mechanisms of auditory and audiovisual selective attention. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, 2008. (Thesis made at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki; Supervisors: Professor Kimmo Alho and Dr. Teemu Rinne).
  5. Salmitaival J: Human brain networks of auditory attention and working memory. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Department of Psychology, 2009. (Supervisors: Professor Kimmo Alho, Dr. Teemu Rinne.)