Workshop on flat bands and room-temperature superconductivity

The aim of this workshop is to discuss materials containing flat bands, where energy vanishes over a finite range of momenta. Flat band has an extremely singular density of states, and therefore such systems are prone to form correlated states with broken symmetries. One such state is superconducting, and contrary to ordinary materials, in flat bands the critical temperature is directly proportional to the BCS coupling constant. This means that we may expect superconductivity with a very high critical temperature in such materials. One of the possible candidate material for the formation of flat band superconductivity is graphite with internal interfaces.

Location: Nanotalo room 228, Campus of Aalto University, Espoo, Finland

Date: May 30-31, 2014




  • Tero Heikkilä, professor; University of Jyväskylä
  • Grigory Volovik, professor; Aalto University

List of participants and topics (tentative)

  • Torbjörn Björkman, Aalto
  • Pablo Esquinazi, Leipzig: Graphite and its hidden superconductivity
  • Tero Heikkilä, Jyväskylä: Model for flat-band superconductivity in graphite
  • Ville Kauppila, Aalto: Flat-band superconductivity in graphite: fluctuations and Ginzburg-Landau theory
  • Victor Khodel, St. Louis: The structure of flat bands pinned to the Fermi surface
  • Yurii Lysogorskii, Kazan
  • Teemu Ojanen, Aalto: Topological Weyl materials
  • Tomi Paananen, Bielefeld: Flat surface bands in three-dimensional topological insulators
  • Esa Räsänen, Tampere: Artificial graphene (and graphite)
  • Alexey Rubtsov, Skolkovo
  • Dmitrii Tayurskii, Kazan
  • Päivi Törmä, Aalto: Superfluidity and flat bands in multiband ultracold Fermi gases
  • Grigory Volovik, Aalto: Topological and non-topological flat bands

Provisional list of topics

  • latest experiments in graphite;
  • the possible relation of the observed room-temperature phenomena in graphite to the physics of flat bands;
  • perspectives of the new experiments in graphite;
  • search for the other similar materials;
  • numerical simulations needed for the construction of the artificial materials with the flat bands and the enhanced Tc;
  • quantum simulations with ultra-cold atoms.

Objectives of the workshop

  • to bring together experimentalists and theoreticians working with graphene, graphite, flat bands, topological materials, high temperature superconductivity;
  • to elaborate the road map to the flat-band superconducting materials and finally to the room-Tc superconductivity;
  • to attract students to the problem