Päivi Helenius



Unit of Child Neurology

Helsinki University Central Hospital

Contact information: paivi.helenius @ hus.fi

Päivi Helenius, PhD (psychology), Docent/Adjunct Professor (cognitive neuroscience)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Developmental learning disorders: dyslexia, SLI, ADHD



Doctor of Psychology, Psychology Department, Helsinki University, 1999

Master of Psychology, Psychology Department, Helsinki University, 1995


Neuropsychologist, Department of Phoniatrics, Helsinki University Central Hospital (2010 - 2012, 2015 - 2016)

Clinical psychologist, Unit of Child Phoniatrics, City of Helsinki (2012 - 2015)

Senior Scientist, Brain Research Unit, Low Temperature Laboratory, Aalto University (1.1.2010 - 31.12.2010)

Post-doctoral scientist of the Academy of Finland, Brain Research Unit, Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology (1.1.2007 - 31.12.2009)

Post-doctoral scientist, Brain Research Unit, Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology (full time: 1.7.1999 - 20.7.2002; part time: 1.9.2004 - 31.12.2006; on leave: 21.7.2002 - 31.8.2004)

Doctoral Student, Brain Research Unit, Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology (1.8.1995 - 31.6.1999)

Assistant, Clinic of Neurology, Helsinki University Central Hospital (1.7.1994 - 31.12.1994)


The Paulo Foundation 2009

Academy of Finland, full time funding for post-doctoral studies 2007-2009

Finnish Cultural Foundation 2002

Finnish Cultural Foundation 2001

Jenny ja Antti Wihuri Foundation 1999

Finnish Graduate School of Neuroscience (FGSN) 1996-1999


The Norman Geschwind-Rodin Prize 2002


Secretary of the Finnish Neuropsychological Association 1995-1997

Referee for international scientific publications:

Annals of Neurology, Behavioral and Brain Functions, Brain, Brain and Language, Brain Research, Brain Topography, Cerebral Cortex, Clinical Neurophysiology, Cognitive Neuropsychology, Cortex, Dyslexia, Experimental Brain Research, Human Brain Mapping, Neurocase, NeuroImage, Neuropsychologia, NeuroReport

Reviewer for the 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2010), Barcelona, Spain

Reviewer for grant application: The Wellcome Trust (UK)


Finnish Brain Research Society

Finnish Neuropsychological Association

Skepsis ry

By election only

2002 - Academia Rodenensis Pro Remediatione


In peer-reviewed international journals

Hut S, Helenius P, Leminen A,Mäkelä J, Lehtonen M. Language control mechanisms differ for native languages: Neuromagnetic evidence from trilingual language switching. Neuropsychologia 2017; 107. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.11.016.

Pellikka J, Helenius P, Mäkelä J, Lehtonen M. Cortical activation patterns during bilingual spoken word recognition. Brain & Language 2015; 142: 8-17.

Helenius P, Sivonen P, Parviainen T, Isoaho P, Hannus S, Kauppila T, Salmelin R, Isotalo L. Abnormal functioning of the left temporal lobe in language-impaired children. Brain & Language 2014; 130: 11-18.

Vuokko, E., Niemivirta, M., and Helenius, P., Cortical activation patterns during subitizing and counting. Brain Research 2013; 1497: 40-52.

Helenius P, Laasonen M, Hokkanen L, Paetau R, Niemivirta M. Impaired engagement of the ventral attentional pathway in ADHD. Neuropsychologia 2011; 49: 1889-96.

Parviainen T, Helenius P, Poskiparta E, Niemi P, Salmelin R. Speech Perception in the Child Brain: Cortical Timing and its Relevance to Literacy Acquisition. Human Brain Mapping 2011; 32: 2193-206.

Helenius P., Laasonen M., Hokkanen L., Paetau R., Niemivirta M. Neural correlates of late positivities associated with infrequent visual events and response errors. NeuroImage 2010; 53: 619-628.

Helenius P, Parviainen T, Paetau R and Salmelin R: Neural processing of spoken words in SLI and dyslexia. Brain 2009; 132: 1918-27.

Service E, Helenius P, Maury S, Salmelin R. Localization of syntactic and semantic brain responses using magnetoencephalography. J Cogn Neurosci 2007; 19: 1193-205.

Parviainen T, Helenius P, Poskiparta E, Niemi P, Salmelin R. Cortical sequence of word perception in beginning readers. J Neurosci 2006; 26: 6052-6061.

Parviainen T, Helenius P, Salmelin R. Cortical differentiation of speech and nonspeech sounds at 100 ms: implications for dyslexia. Cereb Cortex 2005; 15: 1054-1063.

Salmelin R, Helenius P. Functional neuroanatomy of impaired reading in dyslexia. Sci Studies Reading (Special Issue) 2004; 8: 257-272.

Wydell T, Vuorinen T, Helenius P, Salmelin R. Neural correlates of letter-string length and lexicality during reading in a regular orthography. J Cogn Neurosci 2003; 15: 1052-1062.

Tarkiainen A, Helenius P, Salmelin R. Category-specific occipitotemporal activation during face perception in dyslexic individuals: an MEG study. Neuroimage 2003; 19: 1194-1204.

Cornelissen P, Tarkiainen A, Helenius P, Salmelin R. Cortical effects of shifting letter-position in letter-strings of varying length. J Cogn Neurosci 2003; 15: 731-746.

Helenius P, Salmelin R, Service E, Connolly J, Leinonen S, Lyytinen H. Cortical activation during spoken-word segmentation in non-reading-impaired and dyslexic adults. J Neurosci 2002; 22: 2936-2944.

Helenius P, Salmelin R, Richardson U, Leinonen S, Lyytinen H. Abnormal auditory cortical activation in dyslexia 100 ms after speech onset. J Cogn Neurosci 2002; 14: 603-617.

Salmelin R, Helenius P, Service E. Neurophysiology of fluent and impaired reading - an MEG approach. J Clin Neurophysiol 2000; 17: 163-174.

Laine M, Salmelin R, Helenius P, Marttila R. Brain activation during reading in deep dyslexia: an MEG study. J Cogn Neurosci 2000; 12: 622-634.

Hari R, Sääskilahti A, Helenius P, Uutela K. Non-impaired auditory phase-locking in dyslexic adults. NeuroReport 1999; 10: 2347-2348.

Helenius P, Salmelin R, Service E, Connolly JF. Semantic cortical activation in dyslexic readers. J Cogn Neurosci 1999; 11: 535-550.

Helenius P, Uutela K, Hari R. Auditory stream segregation in dyslexic adults. Brain 1999; 122: 907-913.

Helenius P, Tarkiainen A, Cornelissen P, Hansen PC, Salmelin R. Dissociation of normal feature analysis and deficient processing of letter-strings in dyslexic adults. Cereb Cortex 1999; 9: 476-483.

Salmelin R, Helenius P, Kuukka K. Only time can tell - words in context. Behav Brain Sci 1999; 22: 300.

Salmelin R, Schnitzler A, Parkkonen L, Biermann K, Helenius P, Kiviniemi K, et al. Native language, gender, and functional organization of the auditory cortex. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 1999; 96: 10460-10465.

Tarkiainen A, Helenius P, Hansen PC, Cornelissen PL, Salmelin R. Dynamics of letter string perception in the human occipito-temporal cortex. Brain 1999; 122: 2119-2132.

Helenius P, Salmelin R, Service E, Connolly JF. Distinct time courses of word and sentence comprehension in the left temporal cortex. Brain 1998; 121: 1133-1142.

Levelt WJM, Praamstra P, Meyer AS, Helenius P, Salmelin R. An MEG study of picture naming. J Cogn Neurosci 1997; 10: 553-567.

Vanni S, Uusitalo K, Kiesilä P, Hari R. Visual motion activates V5 in dyslexics. NeuroReport 1997; 8: 1939-1942.

Salmelin R, Service E, Kiesilä P, Uutela K, Salonen O. Impaired visual word processing in dyslexia revealed with magnetoencephalography. Ann Neurol 1996; 40: 157-162.

Hari R, Kiesilä P. Deficit of temporal auditory processing in dyslexic adults. Neuroscience Letters 1996; 205: 138-140.

In edited books

Service E, Helenius P, Salmelin R. Comparing normal and impaired reading using magnetoencephalography. In: Csépe V, editor. Neuropsychology and Cognition, Vol 23. Dyslexia: Different Brain, Different Behavior. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003: 153-172.

Helenius P, Salmelin R. Neuromagnetic correlates of impaired reading in developmental dyslexia. In: Hjelmquist E and von Euler C, editors. Dyslexia and Literacy. London: Whurr Publishers, 2002: 163-178.

In domestic books

Hari R, Helenius P. Poikkeamia kuulon alueella. In K Stranden (Ed.) Erilainen oppija, 1997: 271-275.

Helenius P, Service E: Aivovaurion aiheuttamat dysleksiat ja dysgrafiat. In P Korpilahti P, M Laine, O Aaltonen (Eds.) Kieli ja Aivot. Turun yliopisto, 2010: 285-292.

Short summary articles in domestic journals

Helenius, P. Aivokuvantaminen on selventänyt kielen kehityksen erityishäiriön neuraalisia taustoja. LukiSitko 2009; 2: 24.


In domestic monographies

Kiesilä, P. Lukihäiriö aikuisiässä: viiden korkeakouluopiskelijan tutkimus [Unpublished masters thesis]. Helsinki: Department of Psychology, Helsinki University, 1994.

Helenius P. Neuromagnetic and psychoacoustical correlates of impaired reading and abnormal sound sequence processing in developmental dyslexia [Unpublished dissertation]. Helsinki: Department of Psychology, Helsinki University, 1999.

Abstracts and Posters (listing only recent work)

Vuokko E, Niemivirta M, Renvall H, Helenius P. Cortical activation during counting in school-aged children. The 5th Conference of the European Societies of Neuropsychology and the 12th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology 9.-11.9.2015 Tampere.

Hut S, Helenius P, Leminen A, Mäkelä J, Lehtonen M. Neural underpinnings of trilingual language switching: an MEG study. Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language 15.-17.10.2015 Chicago.

Helenius P., Sivonen P., Parviainen T., Isoaho P., Hannus S., Kauppila T., Salmelin R., Isotalo L. Abnormal functioning of the left temporal lobe in language-impaired children. 11th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON XI), Mallorca, Spain: 2011; B036, page 115. http://neuro.hut.fi/~paivi/pdf/Helenius_ICON2011_posteri.pdf

Helenius P., Sivonen P., Parviainen T., Isoaho P., Hannus S., Kauppila T., Salmelin R., Isotalo L. Cortical processing of spoken words in SLI children. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain: 2010; 462, page 176. http://neuro.hut.fi/~paivi/pdf/Helenius_HBM2010poster.pdf

Helenius P., Laasonen M., Hokkanen L., Paetau R., Niemivirta M. Neurocognitive correlates of error induced positivities revealed by MEG. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA: 2009; C73, page 101. CNS2009

Helenius P., Laasonen M., Hokkanen L., Paetau R., Niemivirta M. Neural markers of detecting infrequent visual events in ADHD. International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Mid-year meeting, Helsinki, Finland. 2009. INS2009

Vuokko E., Niemivirta M., Helenius P. (2009) Different mechanisms for subitizing and counting revealed by MEG. Learning Mind and Brain, Helsinki, Finland. 2009.

Parviainen T., Helenius P., Poskiparta E., Niemi P., Salmelin R. (2008) Puheen ja tekstin käsittely lasten aivoissa. 11. valtakunnallinen lukitutkijatapaaminen, Espoo, Finland: page 6.

Helenius P., Parviainen T., Paetau R., Salmelin R. (2007) The cognitive profile of SLI in early adulthood. 9th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology, Gothenburg, Sweden: P-17, page 62.

Parviainen T., Helenius P., Poskiparta E., Niemi P., Salmelin R. (2007) Cortical processing of speech and nonspeech sounds in 7- to 8 -year-old children. 9th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology, Gothenburg, Sweden.