
A surface-based probabilistic atlas of the retinotopic visual areas

by Linda Henriksson


Here we provide a probabilistic atlas of retinotopic visual areas which was constructed based on the object mapping data from 15 subjects. You need the Freesurfer software (version 5.0.0 or later) to visualize the functional probability atlas over the cortical surface of the Freesurfer's average subject called fsaverage. The main files in here are the annotation files, which contain the probabilities of the different visual areas in each vertex of the cortical surface for both hemispheres of the fsaverage subject, and the maximum probability maps, which visualize the maximum probability of any visual area in each vertex of the cortical surface. You can also download probability maps of single visual areas.

If you use our methods in your research, please cite the article:
Henriksson L, Karvonen J, Salminen-Vaparanta N, Railo H, and Vanni S. Retinotopic Maps, Spatial Tuning, and Locations of Human Visual Areas in Surface Coordinates Characterized with Multifocal and Blocked fMRI Designs. PLoS ONE, 7(5): e36859, 2012. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036859.

If you have questions or comments, please contact: Linda Henriksson

See also: Retinotopic mapping of human visual cortex

For help with the use of Freesurfer, see: FreeSurferWiki

Download the files

Download the files:

(includes annotation files, maximum probability maps, group-average polar angle and eccentricity maps, probability maps of the visual areas)

Probabilistic atlas of visual areas

Load the annotation file

1. tksurfer fsaverage rh inflated

2. File -> Label -> Load Annotation

  • Select: rh.16areas_prob_min3_sm1.annot

The annotation file will take some time to load because of the large number of vertices, but eventually it should look like this:

Annotation file for fsaverage right hemisphere Annotation file for fsaverage right hemisphere

The colormap visualizing the vertices in the annotation is not used for anything. But if the colormap is sparse (see Figure below), you need to update your Freesurfer to a newer version!

Sparse colormap, need to update to a newer version of Freesurfer

Visualize the maximum probability map together with the annotation file

1. Load first the annotation file and then overlay it with the maximum probability map

2. File -> Load Overlay

  • Select: rh_max_prob_map_min3_sm1.w

3. View -> Configure Overlay

  • Min 0.001
  • Max 0.6

Maximum probability map together with annotation file Maximum probability map together with annotation file

Visualize the group-average retinotopic map together with the annotation file

Group-average polar angle map

Average polar angle map together with annotation file

1. Load first the annotation file and then overlay it with the group-average polar angle map

2. File -> Load Overlay

  • Load Overlay: Cx_rh.LO_rp_1f_pol_AVE_layer1.curv, Into Field: Overlay Layer 1 (empty), [OK]

3. File -> Load Overlay

  • Load Overlay: Cx_rh.LO_rp_1f_pol_AVE_layer2.curv, Into Field: Overlay Layer 2 (empty), [OK]

4. View -> Configure -> Overlay

  • Set the values as shown in the figure on the right side

Average polar angle map together with annotation file Average polar angle map together with annotation file

Group-average eccentricity map

Average polar angle map together with annotation file

1. Load first the annotation file and then overlay it with the group-average polar angle map

2. File -> Load Overlay

  • Load Overlay: Cx_rh.LO_rp_1f_ecc_AVE_layer1.curv, Into Field: Overlay Layer 1 (empty), [OK]

3. File -> Load Overlay

  • Load Overlay: Cx_rh.LO_rp_1f_ecc_AVE_layer2.curv, Into Field: Overlay Layer 2 (empty), [OK]

4. View -> Configure -> Overlay

  • Set the values as shown in the figure on the right side

Average polar angle map together with annotation file Average polar angle map together with annotation file

Probability maps of single visual areas

1. File -> Label -> Load Label

  • Select one label: e.g. rh_V2d_probmap_th01_min3_sm1.label

V2d Label

2. Tools -> Labels -> Copy Label Statistics to Overlay

3. View -> Configure Overlay

  • Min 0.1
  • Max 0.6

Probability map of V2d

Probability map of V2d