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Author:Pauli Virtanen <>
Organization:Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology

A solver for Keldysh-Usadel 1D circuit equations.

To find out how this library can be used, you should peek at

  • solver.Geometry: How to specify a geometry
  • currents: Simple interface to calculating currents
  • selfconsistentiteration: A self-consistent iteration
  • solver: Low-level solver interface


class usadel1.Geometry(nwire, nnode, x=None)

Geometry of the setup.

nwire : int

Number of wires in the setup

nnode : int

Number of nodes in the setup

x : array of floats, optional

Array of x-positions at which quantities are specified. These must be in the range [0, 1].


A three-probe structure:

    0 S----*----S 1
        0  |  1

>>> g = Geometry(nwire=3, nnode=4)
>>> g.t_type = [NODE_CLEAN_S_TERMINAL,
...             NODE_CLEAN_S_TERMINAL,
...             NODE_CLEAN_NODE]
>>> g.w_type = WIRE_TYPE_N
>>> g.w_ends[0,:] = [0, 3]
>>> g.w_ends[1,:] = [1, 3]
>>> g.w_ends[2,:] = [2, 3]
>>> g.w_length = [0.5, 0.5, 2]
>>> g.t_delta = [100, 100, 0]
>>> g.t_phase = array([-.5, .5, 0]) * pi/2
>>> g.t_t = 1
>>> g.t_mu = 0
array(nwire, nx) of \lambda in wires
equal(other, compare_delta=True, compare_kinetic=True, compare_phases=True)

Compare two geometries.


other : Geometry
The geometry to compare this one to.
compare_kinetic : bool, optional
Whether to compare kinetic quantities (temperatures, potentials)
compare_delta : bool, optional
Whether to compare |\Delta| between the Geometries.
compare_phases : bool, optional
Whether to compare {\rm arg}\Delta between the Geometries.
Get a descriptive string for this geometry.
Collect lists of wires connected to each node, and label nodes by which end of the wires they correspond to.
how many nodes in geometry
how many wires in geometry
array(nwire, nx) of Debye frequency in wires
array(nnode) of energy gaps of nodes
array(nnode) of \Gamma-s of nodes
array(nnode) of node potentials
array(nnode) of phases of nodes
FIXME: this is not yet functional array(nnode) of \Gamma_{sf}-s of node
array(nnode) of node temperatures

array(nnode) of types of nodes

Possible choices are: NODE_CLEAN_N_TERMINAL (normal terminal; clean interface), NODE_CLEAN_S_TERMINAL (superconducting terminal; clean interface), NODE_CLEAN_NODE (node connecting several wires; clean interface), NODE_FREE_INTERFACE (vacuum interface).

array(nwire) of conductance*area of wires
array(nwire, nx) of energy gaps in wires
array(nwire,2) that maps wire ends -> nodes
array(nwire) of \Gamma-s of wires
array(nwire) of wire lengths
array(nwire, nx) of phase in wires
array(nwire) phase jump between the ends of the wire, due to vector potential parallel to the wire.
array(nwire) of \Gamma_{sf}-s of wires

array(nwire) of wire types

Possible choices are: WIRE_TYPE_N (normal wire) and WIRE_TYPE_S (superconducting wire).


array(nx) of discretization points.

NOTE: These must be in the range [0,1] !

Note also that this does not affect the actual mesh chosen by all solvers – however, it always affects the discretization used for spectral solutions and kinetic coefficients.


class usadel1.Solver

Low-level interface to the Usadel solver.

set_geometry(g, preserve=False)

Set the geometry to use.

g : Geometry

The geometry to use

preserve : bool, optional

Whether to preserve currently set values for \Delta and the kinetic coefficients.


Set the coefficients for the kinetic equations.

coefs : KineticCoefficients

Kinetic coefficients for the equations.

sp_solve(E, x, continued=False)

Solve spectral equations.

E : array of floats

Energies to solve the equations at

x : array of floats, optional

Positions to return quantities at. Defaults to the same as those in Geometry.

continued : bool, optional

Whether to use old solution as a starting point.

sol : SpResult

Solution to the equations.

kin_solve(E, x, continued=False)

Solve kinetic equations.

E : array of floats

Energies to solve the equations at

x : array of floats, optional

Positions to return quantities at. Defaults to the same as those in Geometry.

continued : bool, optional

Whether to use old solution as a starting point.

sol : KinResult

Solution to the equations.


class usadel1.SpResult(E=None, x=None, r=None)

The result from a spectral calculation.

The parameters a and b correspond to the representation

\hat{G}^R = \frac{1}{1 - a b} \begin{pmatrix}
1 + a b & 2 a \\ -2 b & -(1 + a b) \end{pmatrix}

of the retarded Green function.

E : array of floats, shape (ne,)

Energies the solutions are evaluated at

x : array of floats, shape (nx,)

Positions the solutions are evaluated at; scaled to [0, 1]

a : array of floats, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Riccati parameter a

b : array of floats, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Riccati parameter b

da : array of floats, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Derivative of a

db : array of floats, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Derivative of b

ne : int

Number of energy points

nx : int

Number of x-points

nwire : int

Number of wires

class usadel1.KinResult(E=None, x=None, r=None)

The result from a kinetic calculation.

E : array of floats, shape (ne,)

Energies the solutions are evaluated at

x : array of floats, shape (nx,)

Positions the solutions are evaluated at; scaled to [0, 1]

fL : array of floats, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

The distribution function f_L

fT : array of floats, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

The distribution function f_T

dfL : array of floats, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Derivative of fL

dfT : array of floats, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Derivative of fT

jL : array of floats, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

The spectral current j_L

jT : array of floats, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

The spectral current j_T

ne : int

Number of energy points

nx : int

Number of x-points

nwire : int

Number of wires

class usadel1.KineticCoefficients(g=None, r=None, to_evaluate=None)

Coefficients in the kinetic equations.

x : array of floats, shape (nx,)

x-positions the coefficients are evaluated at; scaled to range [0, 1]

E : array of floats, shape (ne,)

Energies the coefficients are evaluated at

DL : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Coefficient D_L

DT : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Coefficient D_T

TT : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Coefficient {\cal T}

rjE : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Coefficient \Re j_E

ijE : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Coefficient \Im j_E

dDL : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Derivative of DL

dDT : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Derivative of DT

dTT : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Derivative of TT

drjE : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Derivative of rjE

dijE : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

Derivative of ijE

cTL : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

prefactor of f_L in the sink term for j_T

cTT : array, shape (ne, nwire, nx)

prefactor of f_T in the sink term for j_T


class usadel1.CurrentSolver(geometry, E=None, chunksize=None, output_function=None, automatic_energy=False, maxE=None, ne=None)

Solver for currents flowing in a given geometry.

geometry : Geometry

The geometry to solve for

E : array of floats, optional

Energy points to evaluate all quantities at. If omitted, the default is to use a sensibly chosen grid.

maxE : float, optional

If E is omitted: the maximum energy for the automatic energy grid.

ne : int, optional

If E is omitted: the number of energy points to use.

automatic_energy : bool, optional

Whether to choose an energy grid automatically. (Yes, if E is omitted.)

chunksize : int

How often to display the progress of calculation.

output_function : func(message)

Function to use to print any output. If omitted, print to stderr

geometry : Geometry

Current geometry

spectral : SpResult

Solution to the spectral equation

kinetic : KinResult

Solution to the kinetic equations

coefficient : KineticCoefficient

Coefficients in the kinetic equations

solver : Solver

The low-level solver.

G : array of floats, shape (ne, nw, 2, 2, nnode)

The spectral conductance/thermoelectric matrix. See eg. [1].


[1]Applied Physics A, 89, 625-637 (2007)

Solving equations

Solve both spectral and kinetic equations.

Solve the spectral equations.

Store the results to self.spectral and self.kinetic.

solve_kinetic(E=None, ne=None)

Solve the kinetic equations and store the result to self.kinetic.

E : array of floats, optional

The energy discretization to use. None indicates that use either the same as for spectral, or, if self.automatic_energy is True, pick a sensible choice.

ne : int, optional

How many points to use in energy discretization, if choosing the energy discretization automatically.


Solve for spectral data if there is none yet.

calculate_G : bool, optional

Whether to calculate the spectral conductance/thermoelectric matrix.

solve_spectral_and_save_if_needed(filename, calculate_G=True, **kw)

Solve for spectral data if there is none yet, and save the result to a file.

filename : str

Name of the file to solve data to.

calculate_G : bool, optional

Whether to calculate the spectral conductance/thermoelectric matrix.

Other parameters as in save.

calculate_G(superconductors_in_equilibrium=False, only_terminals=None)

Compute the spectral conductance matrix.


Spectral quantities (such as G) are not conserved in superconducting wires. Be aware that the G is evaluated at x[0] in each wire.

superconductors_in_equilibrium : bool, optional

Assume superconductors are at equilibrium, and skip calculating the conductance matrix entries for them.

only_terminals : list of int, optional

Terminals for which to calculate the conductance matrix entries. If omitted, calculate for all terminals.

approximate_G(use_jS=True, use_T=True)

Find an approximation for the G-matrix, up to first order in j_S and {\cal T}.

Stores the result to self.G.

use_jS : bool, optional

Use the spectral supercurrent in the approximation.

use_T : bool, optional

Use the coefficient {\cal T} in the approximation.

set_solvers(*args, **kwargs)

Set solver types and tolerances.

sp_solver : int, optional

Spectral solver to use. Choices are SP_SOLVER_COLNEW (default) and SP_SOLVER_TWPBVP.

sp_tol : float, optional

Tolerance to use in the spectral solver.

kin_solver : int, optional

Kineticsolver to use. Choices are KIN_SOLVER_COLNEW and KIN_SOLVER_TWPBVP (default), and KIN_SOLVER_BLOCK.

kin_tol : float, optional

Tolerance to use in the kinetic solver.

Computing currents

get_currents(E=None, ix=None, w_jL=None, w_jT=None, ne=None)

Calculate currents, using fixed-grid discretization.

ix : int, optional

Index of position to evaluate currents at in each wire. If omitted, current is evaluated at all positions.

w_jT : list of int, optional

For which wires to compute charge current for. If omitted, compute for all wires.

w_jL : list of int, optional

For which wires to compute energy current for. If omitted, compute for all wires.

ne : int, optional

How many points to put in energy discretization, if chosen automatically.

Ic : array of floats, shape (nwire, nx’)

Charge current in each wire. Contains nan in entries that were not calculated. If ix was given, nx’ == 1, otherwise nx’ == nx.

IE : array of floats, shape (nwire, nx’)

Energy current in each wire.

get_currents_lazy(w_jL=None, w_jT=None, epsabs=None, epsrel=None, ix=None)

Calculate currents, using an adaptive integrator.

Will solve kinetic equations at energy points where the solutions are needed.

epsabs : float, optional

Absolute tolerance for the currents.

epsrel : float, optional

Relative tolerance for the currents.

Also takes the same parameters as get_currents.


Returns similar output as get_currents.

get_currents_from_G(*args, **kw)

Calculate currents, from the spectral conductance matrix.

w_jT : list of int, optional

For which wires to compute charge current for. If omitted, compute for all wires.

w_jL : list of int, optional

For which wires to compute energy current for. If omitted, compute for all wires.

Ic : array of floats, shape (nwire,)

Charge current in each wire. Contains nan in entries that were not calculated.

IE : array of floats, shape (nwire,)

Energy current in each wire.

get_currents_from_G_with_f(f_func, w_jT=None, w_jL=None, ix=None)

Calculate currents from the G-matrix, for given distribution functions at the terminals.

f_func : func(E, mu, T)

Function that takes an energy grid of shape (ne, 1) and potentials and temperatures [shape (1, nnode)] and returns (fL, fT) where each entry is an array of shape (ne, nnode) describing the distribution function at each energy in each terminal.

w_jT : list of int, optional

For which wires to compute charge current for. If omitted, compute for all wires.

w_jL : list of int, optional

For which wires to compute energy current for. If omitted, compute for all wires.

Ic : array of floats, shape (nwire,)

Charge current in each wire. Contains nan in entries that were not calculated.

IE : array of floats, shape (nwire,)

Energy current in each wire.

Computing linear response

get_linear_response_from_G(*args, **kw)

Compute the linear response in currents to changes in potentials and temperatures in the terminals.

This function assumes that the distribution function in each terminal is a Fermi function.

w_jT : list of int, optional

For which wires to evaluate the charge current related entries.

w_jL : list of int, optional

For which wires to evaluate the energy current related entries.

G_VV : array, shape (nwire, nnode)

Conductance matrix; contains entries dI_{c,i}/dV_j. Has nan at entries that were not calculated.

G_VT : array, shape (nwire, nnode)

Thermoelectric matrix; contains entries dI_{c,i}/dT_j.

G_TV : array, shape (nwire, nnode)

Thermoelectric matrix; contains entries dI_{E,i}/dV_j.

G_TT : array, shape (nwire, nnode)

Thermal conductance matrix; contains entries dI_{E,i}/dT_j.

get_linear_response_from_G_with_f(df_func, w_jT=None, w_jL=None)

Compute the linear response in currents to changes in distribution functions in the terminals.

df_func : func(E, mu, T)

Function that takes an energy grid of shape (ne, 1) and potentials and temperatures [shape (1, nnode)] and returns (dfL_dT, dfL_dV, dfT_dT, dfT_dV) where each entry is an array of shape (ne, nnode) describing the change in the distribution function with regard to perturbation in each parameter.

w_jT : list of int, optional

For which wires to evaluate the charge current related entries.

w_jL : list of int, optional

For which wires to evaluate the energy current related entries.

G_VV : array, shape (nwire, nnode)

Conductance matrix; contains entries dI_{c,i}/dV_j. Has nan at entries that were not calculated.

G_VT : array, shape (nwire, nnode)

Thermoelectric matrix; contains entries dI_{c,i}/dT_j.

G_TV : array, shape (nwire, nnode)

Thermoelectric matrix; contains entries dI_{E,i}/dV_j.

G_TT : array, shape (nwire, nnode)

Thermal conductance matrix; contains entries dI_{E,i}/dT_j.

Saving and loading data:

classmethod load(src, path=None, **kw)

Load data from an open HDF5 file.

  • src: a tables.Group where to load data from, or a file name joined with node path.
  • Other arguments (except geometry) are passed on to __init__
save(to, path=None, save_coefficient=True, save_spectral=True, save_kinetic=True)

Save date to an open HDF5 file.

to: str or tables.File

A file name or a parent HDF5 node to save to

path : str, optional

HDF5 name to save under

save_coefficient : bool, optional

Whether to save kinetic coefficients

save_spectral : bool, optional

Whether to save spectral data

save_kinetic : bool, optional

Whether to save kinetic data.


Geometry is saved in all cases.

classmethod resume(src, geometry, path=None, compare_E=False, **kw)
Load data from a data file if parameters match or return a new solver if not.

Optimizing parameters

usadel1.optimize_parameters_for(x0, zero_func, adjust_func, **kwargs)

Find a configuration where the specified quantity vanishes, by adjusting the specified variables.

x0 : array

Initial guess for all n parameters

zero_func : func()

Function whose zero to look for; should return a vector of the same size as x0.

adjust_func : function(x)

Function to call to set current parameters

Other keyword arguments accepted by scipy.optimize.fsolve can be given.


If AlreadyConvergedException is raised by zero_func, the optimization terminates successfully with the current value.

exception usadel1.AlreadyConvergedException
An exception that the user can raise during optimize_parameters_for to indicate that the optimum has been already reached.

Self-consistent iteration

usadel1.self_consistent_realtime_iteration(currents, max_iterations=100, output_func=<built-in method write of file object at 0x2aee570cb210>, iterator=<class 'usadel1.nonlinearsolver.FixedPointSolver'>)

Self-consistent real-time iteration for the order parameter.

Adjusts the parameters in the given Geometry object until convergence is met.

solver : CurrentSolver

A solver containing the geometry in which to solve for \Delta

max_iterations : int, optional

Maximum number of iterations to make

output_func : func(message), optional

Function to use for printing messages. If omitted, prints to stderr.


Fixed-point iteration accellerator. Suitable choices are FixedPointSolver (Broyden solver, default) and DummyFixedPointSolver (simple fixed-point iteration).

k : int

Number of current iteration

d : fixed-point solver object

Has the methods residual_norm() that returns a max-norm estimating the error in \Delta, and relative_residual_norm() that returns the norm scaled by the initial norm.

v : float

Amount by which current conservation is violated.


In real-time iteration, some care must be taken to choose the energy grid so that it is sufficiently dense in the energy range where the peak in the F^K-function will be.

The energy cutoff is eliminated by using the formula:

\Delta = [\int_0^{\epsilon_0}d\epsilon F^K_0(\epsilon)]^{-1} \left(
\Delta_0 \int_0^{\epsilon_0}d\epsilon F^K(\epsilon)
+ \int_{\epsilon_0}^{\omega_c}d\epsilon
[\Delta_0 F^K(\epsilon) - \Delta F^K_0(\epsilon)]

and in the latter term taking the bulk expressions for F^K and F^K_0, the latter being the bulk function corresponding to \Delta_0 (the bulk gap). Here, \epsilon_0 is the energy limit up to which numerical solutions are calculated for F^K.


>>> solver = CurrentSolver(geometry)
>>> it = self_consistent_realtime_iteration(solver)
>>> for k, d, v in it:
>>>     if d.residual_norm() < 0.1 and v < 1e-4:
>>>         break
>>> else:
>>>     raise RuntimeError("Iteration did not converge")
usadel1.self_consistent_matsubara_iteration(geometry, max_iterations=100, max_ne=300, output_func=<built-in method write of file object at 0x2aee570cb210>, iterator=<class 'usadel1.nonlinearsolver.FixedPointSolver'>, E_max=None, force_integral=False)

Self-consistent Matsubara iteration for the order parameter.

Adjusts the parameters in the given Geometry object until convergence is met. Applicable only to equilibrium situations.

geometry : Geometry

The geometry in which to solve for \Delta

max_iterations : int, optional

Maximum number of iterations to make

max_ne : int, optional

Number of Matsubara frequencies to sum over.


If the number of frequencies given is smaller than that required to sum to frequencies over \Delta, an energy integral is performed instead of a discrete sum.

output_func : func(message), optional

Function to use for printing messages. If omitted, prints to stderr.


Fixed-point iteration accellerator. Suitable choices are FixedPointSolver (Broyden solver, default) and DummyFixedPointSolver (simple fixed-point iteration).

E_max : float

Cutoff energy to use (smaller than Debye, but larger than energy scales of the structure).

If None, determined automatically. The automatic cutoff satisfies: - It is no larger than omega_D. - The corresponding length scale is smaller than 0.05 of shortest wire

or 0.1 of coherence length

force_integral : bool

Force integration, even if max_ne is large enough for summing up to E_max.

k : int

Number of current iteration

d : fixed-point solver object

Has the methods residual_norm() that returns a max-norm estimating the error in \Delta, and relative_residual_norm() that returns the norm scaled by the initial norm.

v : float

Amount by which current conservation is violated. (NB: not currently implemented in Matsubara iteration, always zero.)


The energy cutoff is eliminated by using the formula:

\Delta = [\sum_{\omega_k < \epsilon_0} F_0(\omega_k)]^{-1} \left(
\Delta_0 \sum_{\omega_k < \epsilon_0} F(\omega_k)
+ \sum_{\epsilon_0 < \omega_k < \omega_c} [\Delta_0 F(\omega_k) - \Delta F_0(\omega_k)]

and in the latter term taking the bulk expressions for F and F_0, the latter being the bulk function corresponding to \Delta_0 (the bulk gap). Here, \epsilon_0 is the energy limit up to which numerical solutions are calculated for F.


>>> it = self_consistent_matsubara_iteration(geometry)
>>> for k, d, v in it:
>>>     if d.residual_norm() < 0.1 and v < 1e-4:
>>>         break
>>> else:
>>>     raise RuntimeError("Iteration did not converge")

HDF5 file layout

The HDF5 files produced by have the layout:


i.e. the attributes of the Geometry, SpResult, KinResult, and KineticCoefficient objects are simply dumped to the file to an appropriate place.

You can easily load the HDF5 files by using the supplied h5load.m script (probably requires a recent version of Matlab).

See also
