Quantum amplifiers

Oscillating transistor
Inductive SET
Capacitive SET

Mesoscopic Josephson junction provides an unique opportunity to construct ultra sensitive quantum detectors and amplifiers. These devices are important when performing single shot read-out of quantum bits (qubits) or making quantum measurements a la quantum optics style.

Our quantum amplifiers employ the band model of the Josephson junction, either in a single junction case (BOT) or in a double junction case (L-SET and C-SET).

The ultimate goal is to develop phase sensitive quantum amplifiers, parametric amplifiers that would allow for quantum non-demolition measurements. 

Energy bands (eigenenergies of the Hamiltonian below) of a superconducting SET with E_J/E_C=1.7 on the plane spanned by the "classical variables", the gate charge q_g and the sum phase \phi. The quantum variables are the difference phase \theta and island charge q=d/id\theta.


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Last updated: 10/13/04.