Capacitive SET


Capacitive SET is the dual circuit of the L-SET. Instead of the second derivative with respect to phase, that is used to obtain a charge-dependent inductance in L-SET, the C-SET operation employs the second derivative with respect to gate charge which yields a phase-dependent capacitance.

Unlike any previous considerations of single-electron or single Cooper-pair devices, implementation of the C-SET device is a generally fast and sensitive phase detector. The sensitivity is estimated to to 30x10^-6 rad/sqrt(Hz) for typical HEMT preamplifiers with a noise temperature of 3 K.

Schematics of the C-SET circuitry. Variation of the quantum capacitance of the SSET changes the resonant frequency of LC-matching circuit, which can be read out from the phase of the reflected signal.

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Last updated: 10/13/04.