NOTE: This is an old course page. Information about current courses can be found from here

Introduction to the Theory of Superconductivity and Superfluidity

Theory course in low temperature physics, autumn 2002
Matalien lämpötilojen fysiikan teoria, syksy 2002
[Kyl-0.104, 3 ov, L V, 27+27 (2+2) sl 02]

Lecturer: Nikolai Kopnin, assistant: Janne Viljas

Notice board:
12/5 The course is now officially over, thank you for participating. Solved exercises will earn you some extra points in the exam. Good luck.
12/3 You are allowed to have the lecture notes with you during either of the upcoming exams.
11/27 Small changes to the final section of the lecture notes were still made.
11/20 The lecture notes are now supposed to be in their final form, apart from corrections of misprints. There are still at least two lectures left (Nov. 21st and 28th), possibly three. The last exercise session (number 11) will be on Thursday December 5th.
11/9 In exercise 2 (and 3) of set 8 it is sufficient to find the moving vortex-lattice solution to first order in a small electric field E_x.
11/6 The lecture notes are now available also in postscript, which enables more pleasurable on-screen viewing.
10/31 Once more: today's lecture was moved for tomorrow in F3 at 9:15 AM.
10/16 Note that the final examination is on Monday December 9th at 9:00. Second attempt on February 11th 2003.
10/10 Problem 4 of set 3 may still be returned to session 4 on October 17th, since (in principle) the required material was covered only today and not last week as planned. Sorry for the inconvenience.
10/3 There are now more problems (five altogether) in exercise set 3 than announced last week!
10/3 The lecture on Thursday October 31st has been moved to Friday November 1st, but still in F3 at 9:15 AM. Exercise session on Thursday as usual.
10/3 Note: Eqs. (45) and (46) are only estimates. R should be replaced with something on the order of R_c, and log(R/r_c) is taken to be a constant on the order of one. Remember that r_c is not very well defined in the first place.
9/12 No exercise session on September 26th
9/12 Exercise sessions on Thursdays at 16:00 in F3

Lecture notes:
You can download the lecture notes in pdf or postscript form. Changes are still possible.
(Latest revision on November 27th.)

Exercise session 1
Exercise session 2
Exercise session 3
Exercise session 4
Exercise session 5
Exercise session 6
Exercise session 7
Exercise session 8
Exercise session 9
Exercise session 10
Exercise session 11

Home 10.9.2002, Janne Viljas