Quantum transport


In order to realize future nanotube electronics, it is not only necessary to thoroughly understand their transport properties, but also to be able to fabricate devices possessing the desirable qualities. While the latter goal is still distant, the transport in single-walled nanotubes is already understood quite well.

With multiwalled carbon nanotubes  the situation is more complicated. Room temperature ballistic transport has been reported, but in the typical configuration with MWNTs on an insulating substrate, diffusive transport behaviour is mainly observed: interference effects are found to be significant, either in 1D or 2D depending on the electron mean free path. 

We have investigated electron transport in extremely disordered MWNTs as a function of magnetic field and temperature. Our AFM studies reveal that the curvature of CVD tubes is intrinsic, and due to a high concentration of structural defects. We find that in our CVD grown tubes the electron mean free path $\ell$ and phase coherence length $L_{\phi}$ are very short. In fact, $\ell$ turns out to be so short that our nanotube samples are near the strong localization regime.

The dephasing length obtained from the above fit, and results of similar analysis for sample 12. Power law fits of $L_{\phi}\propto T^{-p/2}$ give $p=0.53$ and $0.36$ for samples 4 and 12, respectively. The thick solid line is the cross-over between weak and strong localization in the $e$-$e$ scattering picture. The dashed line is the contribution of the 2D electron-electron scattering for sample 4 assuming $D \approx 2$ cm$^2$/s.}

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Last updated: 10/13/04.