2nd Annual Report
Ultra Low Temperature Installation
implemented as
Contract number: RITA-CT-2003-505313
Project coordinator: Teknillinen
Project website: http://boojum.hut.fi
Reporting period: from 01/04/2005 to 31/03/2006
Project funded
by the European Community
under the
?Structuring the European Research Area? specific programme
Infrastructures Action
A. Activity Report
1. PROGRESS REPORT.......................................................................................................
Summary of the activities and major achievements ................................................................
Management overview ...........................................................................................
Description of the publicity concerning the new opportunities for access.....
Description of the selection procedure ................................................................
Transnational Access activity ................................................................................
Scientific output of the users at the facility ...........................................................
User meetings ..........................................................................................................
Update of the non-confidential Project information............................................
Annex 1 - Composition of the Users Selection Panel
Annex 2 - List of User-Projects
Annex 3 - List of Users
Annex 4 - List of publications
Annex 5 - Updated non-confidential Project information
1.1. Summary of the activities and major
The ULTI infrastructure access program is funded by European Commission
for the four-year period from 1.4.2004 to 31.3.2008. During the second year of
operation the Selection Panel conducted four email meetings and accepted 23 new
projects into the program. ULTI program supported altogether 14 users in 14
different projects. Six of the projects were new, and the remaining eight
extensions of the projects started during the first year of operation. Five of
the active projects were completed during the reporting period.
The 14 users came from eight different countries, seven from Europe and
one from Israel. Five of the users were new, first time users. Finally, first
time in the history of ULTI, we had a female user.
The 14 supported projects cover a variety of topics from vortex physics
and turbulence in superfluids, to quantum crystals, and to quantum electronics
in mesoscopic normal metal and superconducting structures. Nine of the projects
were experimental and five theory projects.
During the reporting period ULTI-results were published in 10 high-level
scientific articles. Eight additional articles were submitted and are waiting
for acceptance. One of the articles appeared in highly respected Reviews of Modern
Physics [5] with impact factor over 30, three in Physical Review Letters (IF
> 7), and one in Applied Physics Letters (IF > 4). One should also notice that the
previous ULTI program produced another article in Reviews of Modern Physics
[ULTI III: 1], which appeared during this reporting period.
One of the hottest topics in mesoscopic electron physics is the superconductivity
in carbon nanotubes. Three years ago a European research group has reported the
observation of intrinsic superconductivity in a bundle of single walled carbon
nanotubes (SWNT). Later, two other European groups observed proximity-effect-induced
superconductivity in individual SWNTs. Finally, in ULTI project #2,
proximity-effect-induced superconductivity was observed in gate-controlled individual
multiwalled carbon nanotubes, in contact with superconducting titanium-leads.
This will strengthen European leadership in the investigation of
superconductivity in one-dimensional carbon nanotubes.
1.2. Management overview
No significant management tasks were carried out during the second year
of the ULTI program. The program continues to offer the visitors professional
scientific, technical and logistic support. The program secretary Ms. Satu
Pakarinen left her position at the Low Temperature Laboratory on March 14,
2006, and was replaced by Mrs. Leena Meilahti.
We are continuously upgrading the WEB-page of the ULTI program (http://boojum.hut.fi/eu.html), to
provide information about the status of the accepted projects and effective
communication channel between the Selection Panel, visitors and the ULTI facility.
During the present reporting period the ULTI program finally had its
first female user in project #19.
1.3. Description of the
publicity concerning the new opportunities for access
The ULTI program was presented to the European low temperature physics community
in the recent ULTI user meeting organized in Lammi, Finland in April 21- 26,
2006. The Lammi meeting was widely advertised within the community and old and
potential new users were invited to participate. Altogether 101 scientists from
22 countries, among them 7 members of the Selection Panel, participated and
many of them paid a site visit to the Low Temperature Laboratory.
1.4. Description of the
selection procedure
The selection of users was conducted by email vote in 27.5.2005,
18.11.2005, 18.1.2006 and 16.3.2006. A list of candidates, based on the
received proposals, was prepared for the vote by the ULTI manager.
One proposal was rejected because the suggested experiment could not be
conducted in the facility.
1.5. Transnational Access
The complete list of
User-Projects and Users can be found in Annexes 2 and 3, respectively (MS Access,
Annex 2 and 3).
During its first year of
operation, 18 projects were accepted to the ULTI program by the Selection
Panel. During the second program year 23 new projects, 12 experimental and 11
theoretical ones, were added. However, only 14 projects were active during the
present reporting period. Within the active projects 14 scientists from 8
different countries were supported by ULTI. Five of the scientists were new
users and one a female user.
The visitors spent altogether 18.17 person months at the ULTI facility.
Compared to the first year of operation (18 visitors, 16 projects, and 15.10 person
months) the ULTI program has continued in a steady operational mode without
difficulties. Two of the projects (#1 and 8) were completed during the first
year and five more (# 2, 7, 12, 16 and 17) during the second year of operation.
The supported projects cover
a variety of topics from vortex physics and turbulence in superfluids (#7, 11,
13, 15, 16, and 17), to quantum crystals (#18), and to quantum electronics in
mesoscopic normal metal and superconducting structures (#2, 5, 9, 19, 23, 24,
and 26). Nine of the projects were experimental (#2, 5, 7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18,
and 19) and five theory projects (# 9, 11, 23, 24, and 26). The experimental
projects were allocated 13.35 (73.5%) and the theory projects 4.83 person
months (26.5%).
1.6. Scientific output of
the users at the facility
In addition to the major achievement in the studies of superconductivity
in multiwalled carbon nanotubes, reported in 1.1., the following interesting results
have been obtained during the second year of ULTI program:
Spin Current Turbulence (project # 11)
In this project, Prof. Bunkov has been working on a theoretical analysis on the
sudden appearance of excessive relaxation losses in a critical temperature
regime of an important resonance mode of 3He-B, the so-called Homogenously Precessing
Domain (HPD). The HPD mode is currently the most important example of a dynamic
coherent order parameter state, where the entire spin magnetization precesses
with the drive from the externally applied radio frequency excitation field.
The large relaxation in the critical temperature regime, nearly 20-year-old
mystery, is now explained to arise from a mode crossing where the excitation pumping
escapes into two new modes. A report on this explanation is under preparation
together with two theorists with whom he worked on this problem during his stay
at the ULTI facility [13].
Experiments of Mesoscopic SQUID Arrays (project #19)
The goal of this project was to learn about high frequency properties of Josephson
junction and SQUID arrays and to make use of them in experiments on Cooper pair
pumps and as switches.
Experiments on Cooper pair pumps with SQUID arrays have proven to be difficult
due to the arbitrary background charges affecting the small islands between the
SQUIDs. However, an experiment where SQUIDs were used as switches of photonic
heat transport between tiny normal metal islands has worked out beautifully,
and the first observation ever of this heat transport mechanism has been
recorded. At higher temperatures, heat is mainly transported by phonons. The
photonic heat transport becomes important at lower temperatures below 100 mK. It
may eventually help to cool mesoscopic electron samples into the sub-mK regime,
which has so far been a difficult task. Also, a simple model explaining the
observations quantitatively has been developed. This work will be submitted for
publication in Nature.
Other highlights of the
important results among the user-projects/see Annex 4
1.7. User meetings
No user meetings were
organized during the second reporting period. However in April 2006,
immediately at the beginning of the third reporting period, the first ULTI user
meeting was held in Lammi, Finland for 101 participants.
1.8. Update of the non-confidential Project Information
See Annex 5
Composition of the Users Selection Panel
1. Balibar, S., Alles, H., and
Parshin, A., The surface of helium crystals, Reviews of Modern Physics, 77, p. 317-370 (2005).
# 3:
1. Kivotides,
D., Turbulence without inertia in thermally excited superfluids, Physics Letters A, 341, p. 193-197 (2005).
# 5:
2. Pekola J.P., Heikkila T.T. Savin A.M., Flyktman J.T., Giazotto F., and Hekking
F.W.J., Limitations in cooling electrons using superconductor - normal
metal tunnel junctions,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92,
056804 (2004).
3. Savin
A. M., Pekola J.P., Flyktman J.T., Anthore A., and Giazotto F., Cold
electron Josephson transistor, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 4179 (2004).
4. Giazotto,
F., and Pekola, J.P., Josephson tunnel junction controlled by
quasiparticle injection,
Journal of Applied Physics, 97, p. 023908/1-4 (2005).
5. Giazotto,
F., Heikkila, T., Luukanen, A., Savin, A., and Pekola, J., Opportunities
for mesoscopics in thermometry and refrigeration: Physics and applications, Reviews of Modern Physics, 78, p. 217-274 (2006).
# 9:
6. Kivioja,
J.M., Nieminen, T.E., Claudon, J., Buisson, O., Hekking,
F.W.J., and Pekola,J., Weak coupling Josephson junction as a current
probe: effect of dissipation on escape dynamics, New Journal of Physics, 7, 179, p. 1-21 (2005).
7. Kivioja,
J.M., Nieminen, T.E., Claudon, J., Buisson, O., Hekking,
F.W.J., and Pekola, J., Observation of transition from escape dynamics
to underdamped phase diffusion in a Josephson junction, Physical Review Letters, 94, p. 247002/1-4 (2005).
8. Hekking,
F.W.J. and Pekola, J., Finite frequency quantum noise in an interacting
mesoscopic conductor,
Physical Review Letters, 96, p. 056603/1-4 (2006).
9. Brosco V., Fazio R., Hekking
F.W.J., and Pekola J.P., cond-mat/0603844, submitted.
M?tt?nen M., Pekola J.P., Vartiainen
J.J., Brosco V., and Hekking F.W.J., cond-mat/0604198, submitted.
Project #11
11. Bunkov Yu.M., L'vov V.S., and Volovik G.E., Solution of the problem of catastrophic relaxation of
homogeneous spin precession in superfluid 3He-B, submitted to Journal of
Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters (2006).
#13, # 15, #16, #17, and #22
12. de Graaf R.17, Solntsev R.E.,
Chagovets T.22, Zmeev D., Blaauwgeers R.16, Eltsov V.B., Haley
R.P.15, and Krusius M, Can the onset of superfluid
turbulence be expressed with scaling laws?, abstract submitted to the
International Conference on Quantum Gases, Fluids, and Solids 2006, Kyoto,
Japan, 7 July – 8 Aug, 2006; and to be published.
13. Blaauwgeers R.16, Blazkova M.22, Clovecko M.22, Eltsov V.B., de
Graaf R.17, Hosio J., Krusius M., Schmoranzer D., Schoepe
W.13, Skrbek L.22, Skyba P.,
Solntsev R.E., and Zmeev D.E., Quartz tuning fork: Thermo-meter, pressure- and
viscometer for helium liquids, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, submitted (2006).
14. de Graaf R., Solntsev R.E., Eltsov
V.B., Kopu J., and Krusius M., Wall-mediated vortex instability in applied
flow and the onset of turbulence in rotating superfluid 3He-B, abstract
submitted to the International Conference on Quantum Gases, Fluids, and Solids
2006, Kyoto, Japan, 7 July – 8 Aug, 2006, to be published in the conference
proceedings in Journal of Low Temperature Physics (2007).
Solntsev R.E., de Graaf R.,
Eltsov V.B., and Krusius M., Dynamic remnant vortices in superfluid 3He-B, abstract
submitted to the International Conference on Quantum Gases, Fluids, and Solids
2006, Kyoto, Japan, 7 July – 8 Aug, 2006, to be published in the conference
proceedings in Journal of Low Temperature Physics (2007).
# 18:
16. Todoshchenko,
I., Alles, H., Junes, H., Parshin, A., and Tsepelin, V., Measurements
on the surface tension of 3He crystals near 100 mK, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 138, 3/4, p. 811-816 (2005).
# 24 and #14:
17. Lindell, R.K., Sillanpaa, M.A., Heikkila, T.T., Delahaye, J.14, Yamaguchi, T., Sonin, E.B.24, and Hakonen, P.J., Small Josephson
junction as detector of non-Gaussian noise, in Conference Proceedings of "Unsolved problems of noise and fluctuations": UPoN 2005, AIP Conference Proceedings 800, p. 563-568 (2005).
18. Hakonen,
P.J., Paila, A., and Sonin, E.B., Statistics of electron tunneling in normal
tunnel junctions,
cond-mat/0604479, submitted to Journal of Low Temperature Physics.
Large-Scale Facility offers expertise and equipment for outside users to
undertake measurements at temperatures from 4 Kelvin down to the lowest
attainable. The installation is located in the Low Temperature Laboratory (LTL)
of the Helsinki University of Technology (TKK). ULTI, a continuation of ULTI
III, will contribute to scientific progress and technical development of ultra
low temperature physics in Europe, to serve as a first-rate educational center
for young physicists, and to act as a node for scientific collaboration between
Russia and the EU countries. The in-house research includes experimental
programs on refrigeration and cryogenics in the liquid-helium range and below
and experimental and theoretical studies of quantum fluids and solids, nuclear
magnetism, and electrical transport in normal and superconducting structures of
nanometer size. Equipment for high-precision optical interferometry at low
temperatures and electron beam lithography for making nanosize samples are
available as well.
low temperature and nanophysics section of the LTL consists of about 35
persons, of whom 10 are senior scientists. The ULTI refrigeration equipment
includes three sub-millikelvin cryostats, each with a 3He/4He dilution
refrigerator for precooling a copper nuclear demagnetization stage. One
apparatus can be rotated around its vertical axis up to 40 rev/min, Another is
a cascade refrigerator, with two nuclear cooling stages in series, which holds
the current low temperature world record of 100 picokelvin. Three smaller cryostats
are available for mesoscopic studies down to 50 millikelvin temperatures.
and students interested in experiments at ultra low temperatures, please
Prof. Mikko Paalanen
Low Temperature Laboratory
Helsinki University of
P.O. Box 2200
FIN-02015 HUT
Phone: +358-9-451 2957
Fax: +358-9-451 2969
E-mail: paalanen@neuro.hut.fi