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Time course of brain activation during learning of sequential procedures
- An fMRI study

Katsuyuki Sakai*, Okihide Hikosaka**, and Satoru Miyauchi^^

*Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033; **School of Medicine, Juntendo University, Tokyo 113-8431; ^^Communications Research Laboratory, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Kobe 651-2401

We studied the neural correlates of visuo-motor sequence-learning, using functional MRI. The two frontal regions, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and presupplementary motor area, were activated during the earlier stages of learning, while the two parietal areas, precuneus and intraparietal sulcus, were activated during the later stages. The results suggest that the acquisition of a visuo-motor sequence depends on frontal activation, while its retrieval requires parietal activation. This might reflect the transition from the declarative stage to the procedural stage in visuo-motor sequence-learning.

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Temporal Aspects of Human Cortical Information Processing
Proceedings of the Finnish Japanese Symposium, Otaniemi, June 14 - 17, 1998
Edited by O.V. Lounasmaa
Internet page created Fri, Sep 18, 1998 at 07:28:41 with Frontier. Peter Berglund,