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Temporal information processing in the auditory cortex

Hiroshi Riquimaroux

Department of Knowledge Engineering, Doshisha University, Kyoto 610-0321, Japan

In the auditory system time information is particularly important because the stimulus is a sound which changes continuously. The central auditory system plays a crucial role in perception of time information. Here I will discuss the importance of changes in the stimulus (rising/falling velocity), the perception of the temporal pattern such as melody (pitch sequence), the creation of pitch sensation with temporal but without spectral information (temporal pitch), and temporal discrimination (delay discrimination).

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Temporal Aspects of Human Cortical Information Processing
Proceedings of the Finnish Japanese Symposium, Otaniemi, June 14 - 17, 1998
Edited by O.V. Lounasmaa
Internet page created Fri, Sep 18, 1998 at 07:28:38 with Frontier. Peter Berglund,