Quantum computing is one of the most rapidly growing fields of physics at the moment. The course offers a great overall view to the subject. The lectures will be given in English by an internationally known specialist, Professor Mikio Nakahara (Kinki University, Japan). The course will cover the basic introduction to quantum computing and quantum information theory. Quantum two-state systems illustrate particularly clearly the fascinating laws and paradoxes of quantum mechanics, therefore people who are interested in the exotic aspects of it are encouraged to participate.Schedule
The dates for the lectures are
- Monday 14-16
- Thursday 14-16
- Friday 10-12
Note that the last lecture on 4th of April is an exception to the rule above:
- Last lecture on Wednesday 15-17 in F2
Exercise sessions are held once a week in F2 and they are given by M.Sc. Juha Voutilainen (email: firstname.lastname@tkk.fi, room: F105 in the physics building). The number of the sessions is six and they continue beyond the date of the last lecture, like this:
- 12.4 Thursday 14.15 (hall F3)
- 16.4 Monday 16.05
- 23.4 Monday 16.05
Tentative schedule:
- Basics of vectors and matrices
- Framework of quantum mechanics
- Spin matrices and tensor products
- Qubits, quantum key distribution and quantum teleportation
- Quantum gates and quantum computers
- Discrete integral transforms
- Shor's factorization algorithm
- Grover's search algorithm
The course can be passed by taking a normal full-course exam on a date that will take place on the 9th of May at 9-12 in lecture hall F1. Some exercise problems are also given for a chance to improve the grade. The course material consist primarily of the notes provided by the lecturer.
While the weekly number of lectures for this period course is fairly large, the course can well be followed by attending the lectures and completing the exercises so the time required in excess to the lectures and exercises should be relatively small. Working knowledge on linear algebra and the basics of quantum mechanics is useful, although the related mathematics are revised in the beginning of the course.
- Exercises
- 19.3: 1.1, 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 1.14 and 1.21 in the lecture notes.
- 26.3: Second set
- 2.4: Third set
- 12.4: Fourth set
- 16.4: Fifth set
- 23.4: Sixth set
- 26.3: Second set