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Peter Berglund <20.1.2002> á New Record

Lausunnon antaminen professorin tai apulaisprofessorin virkoja täytettäessä

Referee in the appointment of a professor or an assistant professor

Record Added

The record was added successfully for Referee at the appointment of a professor or an assistant professor

record_id:<@COL 1>
Familyname: <@COL 2>
Name of professorship: <@COL 6> Name of university: <@COL 3>
Country: <@COL 4>
Foreign: <@COL 5>
Date: <@COL 7>

New record

Peter Berglund 20.1.2002 1koodiTEXTfamily name = koodiLayout_0ÿ(1E_LAUTEXT UniversityLayout_0ÿ(1E_MAA7TEXTcountryLayout_0ÿ(1E_IL7TEXT internationalLayout_0ÿ(yesonnoei1E_VIRTEXToffice:Layout_0ÿ(1 ajankohtaldt ajankohtaLayout_0$ UusiE9.qry