OSA_E3´OSA_E3FMPmÿÿÿÿSave Reset Values6
Peter Berglund <20.1.2002> ê New Record

Kansainvälisten järjestöjen luottamustehtävät

A position of trust (office) in an international organization (ie. referee for European Union)

Record Added

The record was added successfully for position of trust in an international organization

record_id:<@COL 1>
Familyname: <@COL 2>
Name of position: <@COL 6>
Name of society: <@COL 3>
Country: <@COL 4>
International: <@COL 5>

New record

Peter Berglund 17.1.2002 1koodiTEXTkoodiLayout_0ÿ(1E_JARTEXTName of organizationLayout_0ÿx1E_JARTEHTEXTposition of trustLayout_0ÿx1E_JARMAATEXTcountryLayout_0ÿ(1E_JARILTEXT internationalLayout_0ÿ(yesonnoei UusiE3.qry