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Peter Berglund <14.1.2002> | New Record

Alan tunnustuspalkinto

Prize for outstanding achievements

l Record Added

The record was added successfully for Outstanding Achievements Prize.

record_id: <@COL 1>
Familyname: <@COL 2>
Name of prize: <@COL 3>
Donor of prize: <@COL 4>
Country: <@COL 5>
International: <@COL 6>
Date: <@COL 7>

Peter Berglund 17.1.2002 1koodiTEXTkoodiLayout_0ÿ(1E_PALTEXT name of prizeLayout_0ÿx1E_MYTEXTdonor of prizeLayout_0ÿx1E_MAA1TEXTcountryLayout_0ÿ(1E_IL1TEXT internationalLayout_0ÿ(yesonnoei1aikaldt aikaLayout_0$ UusiE1.qry