OSA_C´OSA_CFMPm’’ Macintosh HD¶ÕBD“7OSA_C“:¸aÒkFMP3FMP3ÿÿÿÿTKKT01“7×2Macintosh HD:WebSTAR Server Suite 4.0:TKKT01:OSA_C ¨¨afpm9Yu•žKYLLiisteri Macintosh HDPeter BerglundÿÿDelete Reset ValuesSave 1koodiTEXTkoodiLayout_0ÿ(1C_VIERTEXT%Name, title and position of the guestLayout_0ÿx1C_ORGTEXTUniversity or organizationLayout_0ÿx1C_MAATEXTcountryLayout_0ÿ(1C_SYYdoubreasonLayout_0 1C_MUUTEXTspecify if other reasonLayout_0ÿ(1alkoildt start - format dd.mm.yyyyLayout_0$1loppuildt end - format dd.mm.yyyyLayout_0$1C_PVdoubdaysLayout_0 1C_VKdoubweeksLayout_0 1C_KKdoubmonthsLayout_0 1 record_idrowi record_idLayout_0 KRecord Deleted

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