Styles in Sociology ================= Please be sure to read this file before using our styles for Sociology journals. Here you will find notes about any limitations in a style, along with tips about how you might work around those limitations. American Journal of Sociology -------------------------------- This journal requires that the letter appended to the year (such as 1988a) be italicized. EndNote cannot do this. Please refer to "Italicizing the letter after the year" in the Styles chapter. In this journal, an author's name is supposed to appear only once in the bibliography, with an em-dash for each subsequent reference. If your bibliography includes two or more works by the same author or group of authors, please see "Suppressing an author's name when a bibliography contains two or more works by the same author" in the Styles chapter. American Sociological Review ------------------------------- For an unpublished manuscript, we recommend that you use the Report reference type. This style does not have a reference type for machine-readable files. To add a reference type, see "Adding & Deleting Reference Types" in the Reference Types chapter of the EndNote manual. EndNote will use periods to separate editor names and translators when a book has both editors and translators. EndNote cannot the convert middle name of an author to an initial without also converting the first name. In this journal, an author's name is supposed to appear only once in the bibliography, with an em-dash for each subsequent reference. If your bibliography includes two or more works by the same author or group of authors, please see "Suppressing an author's name when a bibliography contains two or more works by the same author" in the Styles chapter. British Journal of Sociology ---------------------------- EndNote does not support ibid., op. cit., and the like. This journal includes the specific pages cited in a book. Our styles do not include the specific page or pages cited for a book or edited book. Instead, EndNote includes a field for the Number of Pages for both books and edited books. Deviant Behavior ------------------ This journal requires that an author name be listed only once in a citation. If you need to create a multiple citation with more than one reference to the same author, please see "Showing an author's name only once in a multiple citation" in the Styles chapter of your EndNote manual. Qualitative Sociology ---------------------- In this journal, an author's name is supposed to appear only once in the bibliography, with an em-dash for each subsequent reference. If your bibliography includes two or more works by the same author or group of authors, see "Suppressing an author's name when a bibliography contains two or more works by the same author" in the Styles chapter of the EndNote manual. Social Forces -------------- This journal requires that an author name be listed only once in a citation. If you need to create a multiple citation with more than one reference to the same author, please see "Showing an author's name only once in a multiple citation" in the Styles chapter of your EndNote manual. If an author has published more than one study in a given year, EndNote will append a letter to each year of publication, and not just the second and subsequent publications. In this journal, an author's name is supposed to appear only once in the bibliography, with an em-dash for each subsequent reference. If your bibliography includes two or more works by the same author or group of authors, please see "Suppressing an author's name when a bibliography contains two or more works by the same author" in the Styles chapter. Social Problems ----------------- This journal requires that an author name be listed only once in a citation. If you need to create a multiple citation with more than one reference to the same author, please see "Showing an author's name only once in a multiple citation" in the Styles chapter of your EndNote manual. This journal includes the original date of publication if itŐs available for a reference. This field is not currently defined in the EndNote references, but you can add it yourself. See "Including the original date of publication in a reference" in the the Styles chapter of the EndNote manual. Sociological Perspectives -------------------------- In this journal, an author's name is supposed to appear only once in the bibliography, with an em-dash for each subsequent reference. If your bibliography includes two or more works by the same author or group of authors, please see "Suppressing an author's name when a bibliography contains two or more works by the same author" in the Styles chapter of the EndNote manual. Sociological Quarterly ----------------------- In this journal, an author's name is supposed to appear only once in the bibliography, with an em-dash for each subsequent reference. If your bibliography includes two or more works by the same author or group of authors, please see "Suppressing an author's name when a bibliography contains two or more works by the same author" in the Styles chapter of the EndNote manual. Sociology. The Journal of the British Sociological Association -------------------------------------------------------------- This journal prints the authors' names in small caps. EndNote cannot convert text to small caps. See "Formatting author names in all capital letters or small caps" in the Styles chapter of the EndNote manual.