The EndNote Add-in Localizer FOR NON-ENGLISH VERISONS OF MICROSOFT WORD 6 and 98 If you are using a non-English version of Microsoft Word 6 or 98, you should use the Localizer to enable EndNote to correctly install the Add-in in Word's Tools menu and function correctly. Run the Localizer, as described below, BEFORE you use the EndNote Add-in. 1. Double-click the Localizer document. That should open the document in Microsoft Word. (Open the document as "read-only" if prompted.) 2. With the Localizer document open in Word, choose MacroÉ from Word's Tools menu. 3. Select "EndNoteAddInCheck" from the list of macros. 4. Press the Run button. The macro will run and you will be notified about how the preferences file was modified. 5. Close this Localizer document and quit from Microsoft Word (choose Quit from Word's File menu). The next time you start Word, the EndNote Add-in should be correctly installed. Note that the Localizer changes the ENADDIN.PRF preferences file in the Preferences folder of your System Folder. If you ever delete that file, or install the EndNote Add-in on a different computer running a non-English version of Word, you will need to run the Localizer again. Niles Software, Inc. 800 Jones Street Berkeley, CA 94710 USA Phone: (01) 510-559-8592 Fax: (01) 510-559-8683 Email: