Ê EndNote 3.0 June 2, 1998 Niles Software, Inc. Contents I. What's New in EndNote II. Visit the EndNote Connection Web Page III. About the Demo Connection Files (and other free reference databases) IV. Notes for Microsoft Word 5 Users I. WHAT'S NEW IN ENDNOTE? ¥ EndNote 3 includes a ConnectÉ command to connect directly to online bibliographic databases, search them, and retrieve references right into EndNote! See the comments about the demonstration databases below. ¥ ClarisWorks and Microsoft Word 98 compatibility has been added. ¥ We've included a URL field to store web addresses, and a Launch URL... command to use your Web browser to take you right to the URL. ¥ The Format and Export commands support HTML (HyperText Markup Language) so it's easy to get your reference lists posted on the Web. You can also export in RTF (Rich Text Format) to create free-standing bibliographies complete with fonts and typestyles. ¥ Drag-and-Drop functionality lets you easily transfer references between libraries, cite references in papers, and create instant bibliographies. ¥ An Electronic Source reference type can be used to store references to Web pages and other online documents. ¥ EndLink, the import module used with earlier versions of EndNote, has become part of the EndNote 3 Import command. The name "EndLink" is no longer used. ¥ Shift-click is now used to select a range of references in the Library window; Command-click selects individual references. ¥ A Window menu lists all currently open windows. ¥ We've changed our name. Niles & Associates, Inc. has now become Niles Software, Inc. We're the same company and at the same place, but we've updated our name to better reflect what we do. II. VISIT THE ENDNOTE CONNECTION WEB PAGE EndNote provides more than 100 "connection files" - the files that allow you to connect to, search, and retrieve references from a variety of online library catalogs and bibliographic databases. Check our web site for periodic updates to the list of connection files (http://www.niles.com/home/z3950.htm). The EndNote searching of remote databases varies depending on the options and indexes available at the remote site. For example, the use of Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and the type of truncation allowed for a search term differ among databases. The web site contains links to the documentation for various databases and tips for searching. III. ABOUT THE OVID DEMONSTRATION CONNECTION FILES [Available in the Demo folder in the Connections folder.] Free access to a set of demonstration databases has been provided by Ovid Technologies, Inc. By connecting to and searching these sample databases, you can see how the EndNote Connect feature works and get an idea of the information that is available online. Ovid Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of electronic information to the scientific, technical, and medical (STM) markets. Based in New York, Ovid develops sophisticated search software for research-intensive institutions and bundles this technology with full text and bibliographic databases. Ovid software is available on UNIX, Windows NT, or Novell platforms locally, as part of a local area network or standalone system, and remotely via Ovid Online, which is offered through the Internet and the World Wide Web. Search interfaces include Java, Web, Windows and VT100. For more information about Ovid Technologies, their search software and products, please call (800) 950-2035 in the U.S., e-mail sales@ovid.com, or visit their home page at http://www.ovid.com for a list of licensed Ovid distributors around the world. Other Free Databases Available for Searching Many of the connection files provided require an account and payment to access the data. There are a number of library catalogs and other databases that are free, including the files in the following folders: DEMO, Libraries, CARL (Colorado Libraries), National Library of Medicine (NLM), and Library of Congress (LOC). IV. NOTES FOR MICROSOFT WORD 5 USERS Converting Word 5 Documents to Word 6 or Word 98 Although the EndNote Add-ins for Word 6 and 98 can format and unformat the Word 5 Plug-In Module citations, there is not complete compatibility. Formatted citations from the Plug-In Module for Word 5 will lose their citation prefixes and suffixes when formatted or unformatted with the Add-ins for Word 6 or 98. Consequently, if you are converting a Word 5 file for use with Word 6 or Word 98, you should use the EndNote Convert From Module command (also called EndNote Convert to Text in earlier versions) to unformat the citations and change the special Module bracket to plain text brackets. That is the safest way to convert EndNote citations when switching from Word 5 to a different version of Word. You can find the conversion command by choosing Commands from Word 5's Tools menu. MasterWord Conflict If you have the EndNote Module for Word 5 installed along with MasterWord (from Alki Software), and Open Transport, you will not be able to use EndNote's Connect command from within the EndNote Module. A conflict between MACWINSOCKª (licensed from Altura Software, used in the development of the EndNote Module), MasterWord, and Open Transport prevents this. You may still use the Connect command from the stand-alone EndNote application; or remove MasterWord from your Microsoft Word 5 folder to use the Connect command from the EndNote Module. Resetting the Styles Folder & Using Different Styles for Footnotes and Bibliographies If you use the EndNote Module preference to format citations in footnotes as full references, you will not be able to change the style used for the footnotes in the preferences dialog unless you have an EndNote library open. If a library is not open using the Module and you access the EndNote Module preferences (by choosing Preferences from Word's Tools menu), the Style menu in the EndNote preferences dialog will be replaced by the text "Please select a Style Folder" in dimmed letters. To get around this, simply choose EndNote Module from Word's Tools menu to open a library before accessing the EndNote preferences. Niles Software, Inc. 800 Jones Street Berkeley, CA 94710 USA Phone: 510-559-8592 Fax: 510-559-8683 Email: mac-support@niles.com (technical support) info@niles.com (customer service) WWW: http://www.niles.com Contact information for our international distributors is provided in the EndNote manual and at our Web site.