
Invited talk, Optical studies on the shape of 3He crystals, ULTI III users meeting, Quantum Phenomena at Low Temperatures, Lammi, Finland (7  -  11.1.)


Invited talk, These spectacular helium crystals (in Estonian), The XXXIV Annual Conference of the Estonian Physical Society, Tartu, Estonia (13  -  14.2.)


Invited talk, Depairing in mesoscopic superconductors, Grenoble, France (24.2.)


Oral presentation, Tailoring Josephson coupling through superconductivity-induced nonequilibrium, 8th Workshop  from Andreev Reflections to International Space Station, Björkliden, Kiruna, Sweden (20 -  28.3.)


Poster, Convergence of vibrotactile stimuli  to human auditory cortex, FENS 2004, Lisboa, Portugal (10  -  14.7.)


Invited talk, Turbulence in rotating superfluid 3He-B, International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Trento, Italy (5  -  9.7.)


Invited talk, Vortex formation in neutron-irradiated 3He-B flow, ESF COSLAB Network Conference: Disorder and Topological Defects, a Helium Primer, Chamrousse, France (17  -  22.12.)


Oral presentation, Dynamics of vortex sheets in rotating 3He-A, Superfluids Under Rotation-2004, Trento, Italy (9 -  10.7.)


Invited talk, Turbulence in rotating superfluid 3He-B, Quantum Phenomena at Low Temperatures, ULTI III users meeting, Lammi, Finland (7  -  11.1.)


Oral presentation, Superfluid turbulence in rotating 3He-B, Fysiikan päivät 2004 (The XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society), Oulu, Finland (18.  -  20.3.)


Oral presentation, Vortex line formation and dynamics in 3He-B, Superfluids Under Rotation 2004, Trento, Italy (9  -  10.7.)


Poster, Kelvin wave instability of curved vortex lines in rotating 3He-B, QFS 2004, Trento, Italy (3  -  10.7.)


Invited talk, Novel quantum amplifiers based on mesoscopic superconducting Josephson junction, March Meeting of APS, Montreal, Canada (22  -  26.3.)


Invited talk, Mesoscopic Josephson junction as a noise detector, Noise and Information in Nanoelectronics, Sensors, and Standards, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain (25  -  28.5.)


Invited talk, Influence of disorder on the electrical transport properties of MWNTs, Caramel-Elena Carbon Nanotube Meeting, Helsinki, Finland (30  -  31.8.)


Oral presentation, L-SET and C-SET: the reactively read Cooper pair transistors, SQUBIT-2 Yearly Meeting, Rome, Italy (19.9.)


Oral presentation, The inductive single-electron transistor, 5th Quantum Information Processing and Communication Workshop, Rome, Italy (20  -  22.9.)


Participation, Quantum Phenomena at Low Temperatures, Lammi, Finland (7  -  11.1.)


Invited plenary talk, Brain basis of social interaction, Tiede ja psykiatrian tulevaisuus, Hanasaari, Espoo, Finland (13.5.)


Invited plenary talk, Reading brains and minds: Advances of modern brain imaging, The Origins and the Present State of our Western Conceptions of the Structure, Functions and Diseases of the Brain, Helsinki, Finland (24.5.)


Invited plenary talk, About brain basis of social cognition Keynote, Psykologia 2004, Turku, Finland (24  -  25.8.)


Invited talk, Reactivity of human brain rhythms, Max-Planck Institute of Brain Research, monthly seminar, Frankfurt, Germany (19.1.)


Invited talk, Reactivity of Human Magnetoencephalographic Brain Rhythms, visiting lecture, Tokorozawa, Japan (6.2.)


Invited talk, Aivokuvantaminen – ikkuna ihmisaivoihin, Suomen Akatemian Tiedeaamiainen, Helsinki, Finland (20.4.)


Invited talk, Sequences of human cortical activation: Insights from MEG, Segerfalk Symposium, Lund, Sweden (8  -  9.5.)


Invited talk, New views of human brain function, 2nd Neuroscience Center Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland (2.9.)


Invited talk, Changing views of human brain function, 2nd Neuroscience Center Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland (2.9.)


Invited talk, Sosiaaliset aivomme (Our social brain), Lääketieteellisen tdk:n HY Cursus Pelkosen 30-vuotisjuhla, Helsinki, Finland (3.9.)


Invited talk, Temporal dynamics of the human mirror-neuron system, Theory Forum Symposium in the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Foundations of (pre)verbal intersubjectivity in light of new findings, Oslo, Norway (3  -  5.10.)


Invited talk, Aivotutkimusta 3 teslan magneetilla (Brain research with a 3-tesla magnet), Neuroklinikan tiistaitapaaminen, Helsinki, Finland (12.10.)


Invited talk, Magnetoencephalograph (MEG): From basics to clinical applications (altogether 3 lectures), Short Course on Imaging Techniques in Cognitive Neurology, Mexico City, Mexico (8  -  10.11.)


Invited talk, How do we mirror other people's actions, Seminar of the Collaborative Research Centre on Experimental Hepatology, Duesseldorf, Germany (23.11.)


Invited talk, Audiotactile Interaction in Humans, Seminar of Department of Neurology, Aachen, Germany (24.11.)


Lecture, Ihmisaivojen kuvantaminen; Imaging the human brain, Helsingin yliopiston lääketieteellisen tiedekunnan neurobiologian kurssi, Helsinki, Finland (6.9.)


Lecture, Functional brain imaging, Functional neuroanatomy lecture course of University of Helsinki Neuroscience Center, Helsinki, Finland (18.11.)


Participation, Fondation Fyssen, International Prize Ceremony, Paris, France (19.3.)


Participation, 10th Annual Meeting of the Organizations of Human Brain Mapping, Budapest, Hungary (13  -  17.6.)


Invited talk, Thermopower induced by the supercurrent in superconductor-normal-metal structures, Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prague, Czech Republic (26  -  29.7.)


Poster, Cyclostationary measurement of low-frequency odd moments, Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prague, Czech Republic (26  -  29.7.)


Poster, NMR response of solitons in superfluid 3He-A, Quantum Phenomena at Low Temperatures, ULTI III users meeting, Lammi, Finland (7  -  11.1.)


Oral presentation, AMI-keskuksen ärsykelaitteet, KNF-osaston maanantaipalaveri, Kuopio, Suomi (10.5.)


Oral presentation, Liquid-solid interface of 3He imaged using a Fabry-Pérot interferometer, Presentation on Master's Thesis, Otaniemi, Finland (13.3.)


Poster, Experimental studies on the roughening transition in 3He, Quantum Phenomena at Low Temperatures, ULTI III users meeting, Lammi, Finland (7  -  11.1.)


Poster, Experimental studies on the roughening transition in 3He,  The XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, Oulu, Finland (18  -  20.3.)


Oral presentation, Nuclear ordering in lithium, International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Trento, Italy (5  -  9.7.)


Oral presentation, Cooper pair sluice: A flux assisted charge pump, Fysiikan päivät 2004 (The XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society), Oulu, Finland (18  -  20.3.)


Oral presentation, Flux assisted Cooper pair pump, CPEM 2004, London, England (26.6.  -  2.7.)


Oral presentation, DC-SQUID escape measurements, Escape measurements on DC-SQUIDs with small junctions: Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling, Prague, Czech Republic (26  -  29.7.)


Oral presentation, Meeting in Grenoble, France (14  -  19.11.)


Invited talk, Loss of Andreev backscattering in superconducting quantum point contacts, Landau Days, Moscow - Chernogolovka, Russia (21  -  23.6.)


Invited talk, Vortex instability and the onset of superfluid turbulence, Advanced Research Workshop Fundamentals of Electronic Nanosystems, St. Petersburg, Russia (27.6.  -  2.7.)


Invited talk, Vortex instability and the onset of superfluid turbulence, COSLAB, Lammi, Finland (17  -  22.8.)


Oral presentation, Kelvin-wave instability in vortex dynamics of rotating superfluid 3He, COSLAB 2004, Ambleside, England (10  -  17.9.)


Poster, Orientational effect of non-rectilinear vortices in 3He-B, Quantum Phenomena at Low Temperatures, ULTI III users meeting, Lammi, Finland (7  -  11.1.)


Invited talk, Turbulence in rotating superfluid 3He-B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics CMMP04, Institute of Physics in UK, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, (4  -  7.4.)


Invited talk, Turbulence in rotating superfluid 3He-B, 20th General Conference of Condensed Matter Division of European Physical Society, Prague, Czech Republic (19  -  23.7.)


Invited talk, The hydrodynamics of superfluid 3He-B, Todai International Symposium 2004 on Quantum Condensed Systems ISSP-9, Tokyo, Japan (16  -  19.11.)


Poster, Constructing cortical networks from MEG data with dynamic imaging of coherent sources, 2nd Annual Symposium of the NorFA Functional Neuroimaging Network (Fun-NET), Turku, Finland (30.8.  -  1.9.)


Oral presentation, Measuring shot noise with a small Josephson junction, Fysiikan päivät 2004 (The XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society), Oulu, Finland (18  -  20.3.)


Poster, The Bloch oscillating transistor, Fysiikan päivät 2004 (The XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society), Oulu, Finland (18  -  20.3.)

Malinen Participation, 11th Kuopio Bio-NMR Workshop, A.I.Virtanen Institute, University of Kuopio, Finland (12  -  14.9.)


Participation, kick-off meeting for the new European Project RSFQubit, Rome, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy, (18.9.)


Participation, Opening Ceremony of the Nanoscience Center Jyväskylä, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (20.10.)


Invited talk, Superconductor-insulator transition in a single Josephson junction, Joint Indian-Finnish Workshop on Physics and Technology below 20 K, Bangalore, India (16  -  19.2.)


Invited talk, New devices in quantum electronics and their applications, Arrays of Quantum Dots and Josephson Junctions, Medena, Croatia (21  -  27.10.)


Invited talk, Superconductor-insulator transition, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany ( 28.10.)


Lecture, Application of quantum electronics in metrology, New Delhi, India (23.2.)


Participation, Nanoelectronics in Finland, ESF Eurocores program Fundamentals in Nanoelectronics, Lancaster, UK (20  -  21.5.)


Poster, Cortical dynamics of letter-string perception in beginning readers, Human Brain Mapping, Budapest, Hungary (13  -  17.6.)

Invited talk, Puheen havaitsemisen aivomekanismit normaaliin ja poikkeavaan kielelliseen kehitykseen liittyen (Cortical processing of speech sounds in normal and abnormal language development), Suomen Erityiskasvatuksen Liitto ry, Opintopäivät, Helsinki, Finland (20 - 21.3.)
Invited talk, MEG studies of language perception in children, The 2nd FunNet Workshop on Time-Sensitive Neuroimaging of Language Function, Turku, Finland (30.8. - 1.9.)


Invited talk, Flux-assisted adiabatic single island Cooper-pair pump (Sluice), MQC2004, International Workshop on Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Computing, Naples, Italy, (7  -  10.6.)


Invited talk, Charge and flux controlled pumping of Cooper pairs, 20th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Prague, Czech Republic (19  -  23.7.)


Oral presentation, Solid state microcooling and non-equilibrium at sub-kelvin temperatures, Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prague, Czech Republic (26  -  29.7.)


Oral presentation, HUT activities, Kick-off meeting of RSFQubit EU project, Rome, University la Sapienza, Italy (18.9.)


Oral presentation, HUT activities, Annual Workshop of the SQUBIT-2 EU project, Rome, University la Sapienza, Italy (19.9.)


Poster, New aspects on using fine copper powder as a nuclear refrigerant for helium mixtures, Fysiikan päivät 2004 (The XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society), Oulu, Finland (18  -  20.3.)


Oral presentation, Psychogenic and somatic pain share overlapping cortical network, Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Budapest, Hungary (13  -  17.6.)

Renvall Hanna

Invited talk, Ajallinen tiedonkäsittely eri aistinjärjestelmissä lukihäiriöisillä aikuisilla, Lecture series "Yli esteiden - tutkimusta, kuntoutusta, harjoittelua", Helsinki, Finland (11.2.)


Invited talk, Ajallinen tiedonkäsittely eri aistinjärjestelmissä lukihäiriöisillä aikuisilla, Logopedian yksikön jatko- ja täydennyskoulutusohjelma, Tampere, Finland (24.3.)


Invited talk, Sensory processing in developmental dyslexia, 14th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Boston, USA (8  -  12.8.)


Lecture, Temporal processing of sensory information in developmental dyslexia: Neuromagnetic and Psychophysical Studies, Helsinki Biograduate School Research Discussions 2003-2004 , Helsinki, Biomedicum, Finland (21.1.)


Invited plenary talk, Neuromagnetic cortical responses to sensory stimuli: Examples and methodological considerations, Speech and Auditory Processing in Developmental Disorders: ERP meeting, Oxford, UK (22  -  24.9)

Renvall Ville

Invited talk, fMRI-phantom, Keskiviikkokerho, Radiologian yksikkö/Helsingin yliopisto, Helsinki, Finland (6.10.)

Poster, fMRI phantom for an MR imager, Human Brain Mapping 2004, Budapest, Hungary (13  -  17.6.)


Participation, 11th Kuopio Bio-NMR Workshop, A.I.Virtanen Institute, University of Kuopio, Finland (12  -  14.9.)


Invited plenary talk, The use of MEG for unravelling pathogenesis as exemplified by dyslexia, 12th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia, Davos, Switzerland (7  -  13.2.)


Invited plenary talk, Mitä päässä liikkuu? Aivotoiminnan kuvantaminen kielen ja sen häiriöiden tutkimuksessa (What happens in the head? Functional brain imaging in research of language and its disorders), Studia Generalia Technologica, Espoo, Finland (26.4.)


Invited plenary talk, Time course of speech vs nonspeech perception, Speech and Auditory Processing in Developmental Disorders: Evidence from Brain Event-related Potentials, Oxford, UK (22  -  24.9.)


Invited talk, Aivotutkimus TKK:lla (Brain research at HUT), TKK:n OPO-päivä, Espoo, Finland (9.1.)


Invited talk, Assessing cortical representation of language with MEG, Kuopio Neuroscience Lecture Series, University of Kuopio, Finland (12.1.)


Invited talk, The sequence of cortical activation in speech and nonspeech perception, 22nd European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, Italy (30.1.)


Invited talk, Mitä aivoissa tapahtuu kun lukeminen ei suju  ("What happens in the brain when reading is impaired"), TKK, Lääketieteellisen tekniikan seminaari (HUT, Seminar on Medical Technology), Espoo, Finland (25.3.)


Invited talk, Puheäänten käsittelyn aktivaatioketju ihmisaivoissa (Sequence of cortical activation in speech perception), FiCLA-seminaari "Kielen koko kyky" (FiCLA seminar "Language capacity"), Espoo, Finland (23  -  24.4.)


Invited talk, Early cortical processes in fluent and impaired reading, 14th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Boston, USA (8  -  12.8.)


Invited talk, MEG in the study of language function, The 2nd FunNet Workshop on Time-Sensitive Neuroimaging of Language Function, Turku, Finland (30.8.  -  1.9.)


Invited talk, Sujuvan lukemisen ja lukihäiriön hermostollinen perusta (Neural basis of fluent and impaired reading), Munkkiniemen Rotary-klubin viikkokokous (Weekly meeting of the Munkkiniemi Rotary Club), Helsinki, Finland (9.9.)


Invited talk, Lexical-semantic impairments in Finnish, Science of Aphasia 5: Cross-linguistic aspects of aphasia, Potsdam, Germany (16  -  21.9.)


Invited talk, Neurophysiology of fluent and impaired reading, Oxford Autumn School in Cognitive Neuroscience, Oxford, UK (27  -  30.9.)


Invited talk, Time-sensitive neuroimaging of language function and dysfunction, F.C. Donders Colloquia, Nijmegen, Netherlands (8.10.)


Invited talk, Cortical dynamics of language function, 10th Anniversary of Functional Imaging Laboratory, London, UK (15.10.)


Invited talk, Lukihäiriö MEG:n valossa (Dyslexia in light of MEG), HYKS Lastenneurologian yksikön jatko- ja täydennyskoulutusohjelma (HUS Child Neurology Unit Advanced Training Programme), Helsinki, Finland (26.10.)


Invited talk, Spatiotemporal mapping of language processing with MEG and fMRI, 4th International fMRI Meeting and Autumn School, Sorrento, Italy (12  -  14.11.)


Participation, The 3rd Peter Wallenberg Symposium, Espoo, Finland (27  -  29.5.)


Poster, Two routes for naming objects, one route for naming actions, 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Budapest, Hungary (13  -  17.6.)


Invited talk, RSFQ control and read-out circuits in the light of qubit operation, Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar on Processing of Quantum Information in RSFQ Circuits and Qubits", Bad Honnef, Germany  (29.11.  -  1.12.)

Oral presentation, Cold electron transistor, 5th Rencontres de Moriond in Mesoscopic Physics, La Thuile, Italy (31.1.)


Oral presentation, Electron cooling and control of Josephson current at sub Kelvin temperatures, NanoRes-2004, Nanoscale Properties of Condensed Matter Probed by Resonance Phenomena, Kazan, Russia (15  -  19.8.)


Participation, kick-off meeting for the new European Project RSFQubit, Rome, Italy (18.9.)


Participation, Nanoscience Seminar, Jyväskylä, Finland (20.10.)


Poster, Activation of posterior auditory belt area by vibrotactile stimuli (Martin Schürmann, Gina Caetano, Yevhen Hlushchuk, Veikko Jousmäki, Riitta Hari), 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Budapest, Hungary (13  -  17.6.)


Invited talk, The inductive single-electron transistor (L-SET), IV International workshop on Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Computing, Naples, Italy (7  -  10.6.)


Oral presentation, The inductive single-electron transistor (L-SET), 5th Rencontres de Moriond in Mesoscopic Physics, La Thuile, Italy (25.1.  -  1.2.)


Poster, Activity of luminance sensitive area in the human parieto-occipital sulcus during voluntary blinks and saccades, Human Brain Mapping 2004, Budapest, Hungary (13  -  17.6.)


Poster, Computation of potential and magnetic field distribution using finite element method (FEM) employing Whitney elements, Biomag 2004, Boston, USA (8  -  12.8.)

Tarkiainen Reeta

Oral presentation, Tunneling density of states in disordered multiwalled carbon nanotubes, CARAMEL-ELENA carbon nanotube meeting, Helsinki, Finland (30  -  31.8.)


Poster, Transport experiments on disordered carbon nanotubes, Quantum Phenomena at Low Temperatures, ULTI III users meeting, Lammi, Finland, (7  - 11.1.)

Tarkiainen Antti

Participation, 11th Kuopio Bio-NMR Workshop (Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Beyond Anatomical Information), Kuopio, Finland (12  -  14.9.)


Poster, Surface of a 3He crystal: crossover from quantum to classical behavior, International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Trento, Italy (5  -  9.7.)


Poster, Semantic and phonological priming in spoken language, Time-sensitive neuroimaging of language function, Turku, Finland (31.8.  -  1.9.)


Invited talk, Early visual processing in humans, CERCO laboratory seminar, Toulouse, France (24  -  28.3.)


Invited talk, Cortical dynamics in the human parieto-occipital area, Forum of European Neuroscience, Lisbon, Portugal (10  -  14.7.)


Invited talk, FMRI constrained EEG/MEG source analysis applied to studies of visual cortex, 11th Bio-NMR Workshop, Kuopio, Finland (12.9.)


Lecture, Visual cortical operations, Seminar of Neurosurgery Department, Helsinki, Finland (13.1.)


Lecture, The brain watching the environment, ARMI-days 2004, Helsinki, Finland (25  -  26.11.)

Poster (with Henriksson and James), Multifocal functional magnetic resonance imaging of human visual cortex, Human Brain Mapping 2004, Budapest, Hungary (13  -  17.6.)


Poster, Visual field restitution in hemianopia, neuromagnetic evidence, Human Brain Mapping 2004, Budapest, Hungary (13  -  17.6.)


Invited talk, Spin-wave radiation from a 3He Josephson junction, Quantum Phenomena at Low Temperatures, ULTI III users meeting, Lammi, Finland (7.1  -  11.1.)


Invited talk, Dissipative currents in superfluid 3He weak links, Delft, Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (8.5.)


Poster, Thermopower induced by a supercurrent in mesoscopic superconductor-normal-metal structures, Fysiikan päivät 2004 (The XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society), Oulu, Finland (18  -  20.3.)


Invited talk, Momentum-space topology and emergent relativity, India-Finland joint workshop, Bangalore, India (16  -  18.2.)


Invited talk, Classical and quantum regimes of superfluid turbulence, Quantum Phenomena at Low Temperatures, ULTI III users meeting, Lammi, Finland (7  -  11.1.)


Invited talk, Emergent relativistic quantum field theory and gravity, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany (22.1.)


Invited talk, Superfluid turbulence in Helsinki experiments on 3He, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany (23.1.)


Invited talk, Momentum-space topology and emergent relativity, Colloquium Ehrenfestii , Leiden, Holland (24.3.)


Invited talk, Recent 3He experiments in Helsinki: vacuum instability in the ergoregion and new phenomenon in superfluid turbulence, Leiden University, Leiden, Holland (25.4.)


Invited talk, Recent 3He experiments in Helsinki: vacuum instability in the ergoregion and new phenomenon in superfluid turbulence, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy (29.4.)


Invited talk, Momentum-space topology in condensed matter: how the effective gravity and relativistic quantum fields emerge in quantum liquids, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy (30.4.)


Invited talk, Vacuum energy and cosmological constant in the effective Quantum Field Theory, Helsinki Institute of Physics, Helsinki, Finland (11.5.)


Invited talk, Superfluid turbulence in Helsinki experiments on 3He, 6-th Conference "Landau Days", Chernogolovka, Russia (21 -  23.6.)


Invited talk, Horizon and ergoregion on the brane between two quantum vacua: A condensed-matter primer, COSLAB 2004 workshop, Ambleside, UK (10  -  17.9)


Invited talk, Conference summary talk, COSLAB 2004 workshop, Ambleside, UK (10  -  17.9)


Invited talk, Emergent physics: a condensed matter primer, Simon Memorial Prize Conference, London, UK (22.9.)


Invited lecture, The Universe in a helium droplet, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (29.9.)


Invited talk, Emergent physics: a condensed matter primer, seminar at TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada (4.10.)


Invited talk, Vacuum energy: a condensed matter primer, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (6.10.)


Invited talk, Horizon and ergoregion on the brane between two quantum vacua: a condensed matter primer, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (8.10.)


Invited talk, Emergent physics: a condensed matter primer, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada (13.10.)


Invited talk, Emergent physics: a condensed matter primer, Mc-Master University, Hamilton, Canada (14.10.)


Invited talk, Vacuum energy: a condensed matter primer, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada (15.10.)


Invited talk, Vacuum energy and cosmological constant: a condensed-matter primer, COSLAB Workshop Disorder and Topological Defects, a Helium Primer, Chamrousse-Grenoble, France (17  -  22.12.)


Lecture, The Universe in superfluid helium droplet, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India (23.2.)


Lecture, Emergent physics: a condensed matter primer, lecture at Manchester University, Manchester, UK (20.9.)


Participation, 7 Editorial Board meetings of JETP Letters, Moscow, Russia (4.3., 8.4., 13.5., 2.9., 28.10., 2.12., 29.12.)