Coordinator: Mikko Paalanen

Funding: EU's 5th framework, Improving Human Potential, Transnational Access to Major Research Infrastructures.

Duration: 1.4. 2000 - 31.3. 2004

Participating groups of the LTL: INTERFACE, NANO, PICO, ROTA, THEORY and YKI


The ULTI III Large-Scale Facility has offered expertise and equipment for outside users to undertake measurements at temperatures from 4 Kelvin down to the lowest attainable. The facility is located in the Low Temperature Laboratory of the Helsinki University of Technology. ULTI III facility contributes to the scientific progress and technical development of ultra low temperature physics in Europe, serves as a first-rate educational center for young physicists, and acts as a node for scientific collaboration between Russia and the EU countries. The visitors are integrated to the in-house research, including experimental programs on refrigeration and cryogenics in the liquid-helium range and below, and experimental and theoretical studies of quantum fluids and, solids, nuclear magnetism, and electrical transport in normal and superconducting structures of nanometer size. Equipment for high-precision optical interferometry at low temperatures and electron beam lithography for making nanosize samples are available for the visitors as well. During 2003 altogether 21 European visitors used the facility for 14 months