Abanine, Dmitri, Mr. |
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow, Russia, 9.1. - 23.1. |
Andreev, Alexander, Acad. |
Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, Moscow, Russia, 9.8. - 30.8. |
Bailey, Anthony, Prof. |
University of Oxford, Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Oxford UK, 7.11. - 9.11. |
Barash, Yuri, Prof. |
Lebedev Physical Institute, Department of Theoretical Physics, Moscow, Russia, 1.10. - 31.10. |
Brown, Peter, Prof. |
University College London, Institute of Movement Neuroscience, London, UK, 30.10 - 1.11. |
Capilla, Jose, Prof. |
Universidad Politechnica de Valencia, Spain, 10.12. |
Curio, Gabriel, Dr. |
Benjamin Franklin Clinic, Department of Neurology, Berlin, Germany, 21.8. - 29.8. |
Dierk, Rainer, Prof. |
University of Bayreuth, Germany, 27.9. - 4.10. |
Feigel´man, Mikhail, Prof. |
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow, Russia, 23.7. - 25.7. |
Fujii, Muneaki, Prof. |
Kumamoto University, Department of Physics, Kumamoto Shi, Japan, 4.8. - 19.9. |
Garrido, Marta, Ms. |
Instituto di Biofisica e Engenharia Biomedica, Lisbon, Portugal, 3.6. - 22.6. |
Ginzburg, Vitaly, Acad. |
Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia, 15.12. |
Goebel, Rainer, Prof. |
University of Maastricht, Department of Neurocognition, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 16.3. - 18.3. |
Gracco, Vincent, Prof. |
McGill University, Department of Communicaton, Montreal, Canada, 30.11. - 5.12. |
Ichimura, Koichi, Dr. |
Hokkaido University, Division of Physics, Sapporo, Japan, 17.2. - 11.4. |
Kaneko, Ken-ichi, Dr. |
Kyoto University, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Sakyoku, Japan, 1.1. - 31.7. |
Kubota, Minoru, Prof. |
University of Tokyo, Institute for Solid State Physics, Kashiwa, Japan, 4.3. - 7.3. |
Kuo, Nissen, Dr. |
National Yang-Ming University, Laboratory for Cognitive Neuropsychology, Taipei, Taiwan, 18.11. - 18.12. |
Legget, Anthony, Prof. |
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA, 15.12. |
Lemm, Steven, Mr. |
Benjamin Franklin Clinic, Department of Neurology, Berlin, Germany, 21.8. - 5.9. |
Levänen, Sari, Dr. |
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard Medical School (MGH/HMS/MIT), Massachusetts, USA, 9.6. - 31.8. |
Melnikov, Alexander, Dr. |
Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Department of Superconductivity, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 19.5. - 17.6. |
Merzenich, Michael, Prof. |
Univesity of California, Keck Centre for Integrative Neurosciences, San Francisco, California, USA, 11.12. - 13.12. |
Morita, Takeshi, Dr. |
Kyoto University, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Kyoto, Japan, 23.9. - 31.12. |
Ninjouji, Takashi, Mr. |
NTT DoCoMo Inc., Media Computing Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratories, Yokosuka Kanagawa, Japan, 20.1. - 31.12. |
Nishitani, Nobuyuki, Dr. |
Research Institute, National Rehabilitation Center for the Persons with Disabilities, Tokosozawa, Japan, 5.6. - 3.7. |
Pammer, Kristen, Dr. |
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Department of Psychology, Newcastle upon Time, UK, 15.9. - 31.12. |
Parshin, Alexander, Prof. |
Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, Moscow, Russia, 24.2. - 10.3., 15.4. - 30.4. and 21.9. - 11.10. |
Quesney, Felipe, Prof. |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Centro de Magnetoencefalografia Dr Pérez-Modrego, Spain, 4.8. - 26.8. |
Reppy, John, Prof. |
Cornell University, Department of Physics, Ithaca, NY, USA, 29.9. - 30.9. |
Ryazanov, Valery, Prof. |
Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Solid State Physics, Laboratory for Superconductivity, Chernogolovka, Russia, 28.12. - 31.12. |
Semenov, Vasili, Prof. |
Stony Brook University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, NY, USA, 1.4. - 6.4. |
Sonin, Edouard, Prof. |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Racah Institute of Physics, Jerusalem, Israel, 7.8. - 7.10. |
Sorrentino, Alberto, Mr. |
Universita´di Genova, Dipartimento di Fisica, Genova, Italy, 4.6. - 26.6. |
Tsubota, Makoto, Prof. |
Osaka City University, Department of Physics, Osaka, Japan, 11.3. - 12.3. |
Tsuneta, Taku, Mr. |
Hokkaido University, Department of Physics, Sapporo, Japan, 1.1. - 24.1. |
Turner, Robert, Prof. |
University College London, Wellcome Department of Cognitive Science, London, UK, 21.5. - 23.5. |
Volkov, Andy, Dr. |
University of Manchester, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Manchester, UK, 25.4. - 27.4. |
Wu, Fan, Mr. |
Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, Beijing, China, 11.11. - 31.12. |
Yamaguchi, Takahide, Dr. |
University of Tsukuba, Department of Physics, Tsukuba, Japan, 1.1. - 17.6. |
Zyuzin, Alexander, Dr. |
Ioffe Physical -Technical Institute RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia, 7.4. - 12.4., 2.6. - 15.6. and 15.9. - 4.10. |
Tutors from HUT (9 participants), 12.5.
Salon seudun ystävät, 26.5.:
Rahoitusjohtaja Ilkka Arjaluoto, Rautaruukki
Opetustoimen johtaja Rauno Jarnila, Helsinki
Johtaja Kaarlo Jännari, Rahoitustarkastus
Toimitusjohtaja Olavi Kuusela, Valio
Johtaja Esko Lindstedt, Danisco Sugar
Teollisuusneuvos Aarre Metsävirta, M-Real Oyj
Kanslianeuvos Sinikka Mertano
Pankkijohtaja Erkki Perksalo
Asiamies Lasse Ristikartano, Kunnallisalan kehittämis säätiö
Pääjohtaja Veli-Pekka Saarnivaara, TEKES
Maaseutuneuvos Eero Uusitalo, Maa- ja metsätalous ministeriö
A delegation from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSCF) (8 participants), 26.8.
Mr Hian Jianquo, Director General
Mr Jing Daping, Director General
Mr He Minghong, Professor
Mr Peng Lianming, Director General
Mr. Tang Xianming, Director of Division
Mr Lu Rongkai, Director of Division
Ms Eeva Lurila, Finnish Academy
Ms Elsi Huttunen, Viestintäharjoittelija
A delegation from China (20 participants), 22.9.
Tourist guides from Helsinki (20 participants), 1.10. and 2.10
Chairman Pasi Kivinen with 30 members of the Physics Club of University of Jyväskylä, 19.11.
15 person from the Union of technical academic employees (TEK), 27.11.
Serie “Luontoa lähellä” film group visited LTL, 2.12.
During 2003 there were 10 visits by groups from high schools and universities with about 20 persons/group.