A. Isomäki, A. Salminen (on leave) and A. Huvila.



The total amount of liquid helium delivered to the users was about 59 600 liters.

The helium liquefaction equipment (Linde TCF-20) has been in use for over 15 years. Our helium gas storage capacity is 12.5 cubic meters at high pressure (150 bars) which corresponds to about 2500 liquid liters. The liquid storage capacity is at present about 3500 liters of liquid helium in various cryogenic containers.


Our nitrogen liquefier (Linde - LINIT 25) was installed in 1996 and about half of its production goes outside the LTL. The total amount produced this year was 55 000 liters.
30 000 liters of LN2 was used by LTL.