Linda Henriksson, Visual stimulus optimization for multifocal fMRI, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics (Simo Vanni).

Hannu Laaksonen, Modulation of rhythmic brain activity in fluently reading and dyslectic adults, Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering (Riitta Salmelin)

Ari Laiho, Oxygen plasma etching of resist residues for nanocircuit fabrication, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics (Pertti Hakonen).

Tommi Nieminen, Escape measurements on a hysteretic DC-SQUID, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics (Jukka Pekola).

Ville Pietilä, Effect of driven noise in a Josephson junction, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics (Tero Heikkilä).

Pauli Pöyhönen, FMRI data analysis environment at the AMI Centre of the Helsinki University of Technology: Image formats, image format conversions and analysis programs, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics (Jussi Numminen).

Ville Renvall, Design and evaluation of a functional magnetic resonance imaging phantom, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics (Raimo Joensuu).

Sanna Silanen, Correlating fMRI data with subjective pain rating, Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering (Riitta Hari, Jaana Hiltunen, Tuukka Raij).

Juho Simpura, Implementing surface fitting on a parallel computer platform to study the
shape and growth dynamics of 3He crystals
, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics (Harry Alles).

Johanna Uusvuori, Magnetic shielding to nanotesla level at low temperatures, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics (Juha Tuoriniemi).

Pauli Virtanen, Thermopower induced in an Andreev interferometer, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics (Tero Heikkilä).