Also information was given on the new TMR contracts and on future calls for proposals for the Large Scale Facility activity
The meeting ended with a Round-Table discussion on matters of common interest to the facilities and a tour of the Low Temperature Laboratory
Above D.C. Rubie (Bayerishes Geoinstitut), G. Pickett (Lancaster University), J.C. Maan (Nijmegen High Field Magnet Laboratory) P. Leiderer (Universität Konstanz), W. Schoepe (Universität Regensburg), G. Martinez (Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory), D. Massiot (Centre de Recherche sur la Physique des Hautes Temperatures),O.V. Lounasmaa,(Helsinki University of Technology) J. Singleton (Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford), J. Owens Bradley (University of Nottinhgham), and M. Paalanen (Helsinki University of Technology)
From the picture is missing Mr D. Pasini and Ms Sambain DG XII, Brussels, G. Eska (Bayreuth Ultralow Temperature Facility), Mrs M. Holmström; (Helsinki University of Technology), M Krusius (Helsinki University of Technology)
Some of the participants of the meeting chose to participate the following day in a cross country trackfinding competition arranged in the Siikajärvi "lake area" near Helsinki.