The Winners of the London Prize


1957: N. Kuerti

1960 L.D. Landau

1962 J. Bardeen

1964 D. Schoenberg

1966 C.G. Gorter

1968 W.M. Fairbank

1970 B. Josephson

1972 A. Abrikosov

1975 J. Wheatley

1978 G. Ahlers, W. McMillan, J.M. Rowell

1981 J.D. Reppy, A.J. Leggett, I. Rudnick

1984 W. Buckel, O.V. Lounasmaa, D.J. Thouless

1987 K.A. Mueller/J.G. Bednorz, J. Kondo, J. Clarke

1990 R.C. Dynes, P.C. Hohenberg, A.I. Larkin

1993 A. Schmid, D. Greywall, H. Meyer

1996 M.H.W. Chan, C. Wieman, E.A Cornell

List provided by R.Webb